I was so tickled to see that the wonderful Jen, of Festive Attyre, has started an international sewing “curtain-along,” for everyone who is making an 18th century something-or-other from any of the…
V254: Fitting Mom's JP Ryan Jacket(s)
JP Ryan Jacket in progress Today my lovely Lady Mother came over for help fitting sleevils into two of her Colonial Williamsburg pieces – both swallow-tailed jackets, in different materials, using the…
V253: 1940s “Bomber Girl” Photoshoot with Stephanie
Today my buddy Stephanie and I got together to take her submission photos for a local “Bomber Girls” 1940s pageant coming up in October. I did Steph’s hair and lent her my…
V252: Midnight Vintage Shoe Finds on Etsy
Nothing teaches one the construction and detailing of a vintage or antique shoes as, well, an actual vintage or antique shoe. I was thrilled to find quite a few shoes on Etsy…
V251: Starting the Indienne Gown, 1780s
With only about a month left until we leave for Williamsburg, I have rather a lot of sewing to do! I was giddy when I found this Indienne print cotton at Lowe’s,…
V250: Finished 1770s Parisian Chapeau
Awhile ago I posted a little page of sketches for a late 1770s hat to go with my striped “Parisian Gown.” I went out and bought all the materials for it, but…
V249: Georgian Beauty Myths BUSTED!, by Elisa of Isis’ Wardrobe
Glenn Close in “Dangerous Liaisons” Hi all! Today I’d like to turn the floor over to the wonderful Elisa of Madame Isis’ Toilette, and Isis’ Wardrobe, who has been studying historical makeup and…
V248: 1772 Colonial Spice Tea by Litttle Bits Clothing Company
This morning, with the power out and no internet to eat my soul, I had a chance to slow down and enjoy a fine cuppa new tea I got from Alicia of…
V247: Making a 1790s Gainsborough Hat
Yesterday I made a Gainsborough hat to go with the new purple 1790s “Robe Royaliste”. I researched many a fine fashion plate from Dames a la Mode, and raided the craft store…
V246: My Regency Papillote Curls
After seeing this wonderful little video on how to use your flatiron and tissue paper to make 18th century and Regency “papillote” curls, I was itching to give it a try… So…
V245: Floral Gowns of the 1770s (and a little 1780s too)
Met – 1770s-80s gown, remodeled from c. 1740s silk Happy Saturday! Chris and I have been working overtime packing up Pompadours and white Kensingtons to ship out, so I’m a bit fried,…
V244: Modeling Regency at the Nevada Museum of Art
Hi all! A couple nights ago I modeled for the historical costume painting class at the Nevada Museum of Art. I wore one of my favorite outfits, a Regency gown given to…
V243: Pompadour Heels At Last
I’m really excited to finally be taking delivery of the Pompadour heels tomorrow. They’ve cleared customs and are truckin’ their way over the Sierras this evening. To celebrate, here are some extant…
V242: 1790s Robe Royaliste: Almost Done!
I had intended to bust out this giant purple chemise style gown quickly, but then between being mad sick and then lazy, it’s taken me *this* long to get it done! Needs…
V241: September Call for Sponsors
Hello Ladies and Gents! Are you an up-and-coming small business that might benefit from advertising here on American Duchess? How about giving a nicely-placed banner ad a try here on the sidebar,…
V240: Robe a la Francaise, 1740
Bwah, it’s one of *those* days, so here’s a beautiful gown to gaze upon… The Met Robe a la Francaise 1740s British Hand-painted silk, fly fringe trimmings I’ll take a little opulence…
V239: Cassell’s Household Guide
There is something so -udderly- wonderful about household guides of the 19th century. And what is even more wonderful is that they are all out of copyright and readily available to peruse…
V238: What Is This Style of 18th Century Jacket?
A beautiful image popped up on my Pinterest feed this morning: 1730-60, French manufacture, held in the Digitalt Museum I find this extant ensemble really interesting because, well, it matches. Matching gowns…
V237: Absinthe
I’m going to a Steampunk Absinthe Party tonight. I’ve never tried the stuff, and I’m not much of a drinker, but I am a little curious, at least to taste it. So…
V236: Please Vote – What’s Your Favorite 1920s Spectator?
Spectator shoes are so cool, don’t you think? I want to add a 1920s t-strap spectator to the Historical Footwear collection next year -called “23Skidoo” – but what color style do you…