I’m winding down the Parisian Gown (at least the gown part of it), and realize I need an awesome hat to go with it. No ordinary bergere will do – I want…
V207: August Call For Sponsors
Hi Lovelies! Do you have a business you think would benefit from advertising here on American Duchess? How about trying out a banner for the month of August (or 30 days from…
V206: Please Vote – What Is The Circumference of Your Calf?
Why am I asking this? Well, I’d like to learn the average calf size of you lovely ladies interested in purchasing Tavistock button boots, and other future boot styles. I want to…
V205: Nearing Completion for the Parisian Gown
I’ve been working holes into my fingers over the past week, trying to complete shiny new costumes for Costume College, the first weekend in August. I have her on my non-historical dress…
V204: Repro Vintage Butterick Pattern Haul
Okay, so maybe Butterick patterns were on sale for 99 cents at JoAnn’s the other day, and…and maybe I bought a whole bunch of Vintage Butterick reproduction patterns. I have a weakness…for…
V203: New Dress Design: Robe Royaliste
I don’t have enough 18th century gowns. I have jackets and things, and I do love jackets, but when it comes to full gowns, I have, like, one (soon to be two).…
V202: Small Biz Betties: Starting and Maintaining a Blog
Hello again, and welcome to Small Biz Betties, where I share my experience in setting up a small, online costuming/crafting business. This week let’s talk about setting up and maintaining your most…
V201: How To Make a Hedgehog Hairstyle With Your Own Hair
The late 18th century “hedgehog” hairstyle is one of the easiest coifs to create, though is can seem daunting at first. You can create this style on wigs or hairpiece, but also…
V200: Redingote Portraits of Win
I love the 1780s and 90s, particularly the mannish styles, like the Redingote. Something about those big collars and buttons, paired with big-ass Gainsborough hats – YUM! Lady in Light Blue Gown…
V199: Georgian Man Candy
Oh, I know you’re disappointed this post isn’t about sexy, be-wigged gentlemen on the 18th century. It’s about the kind of bling a man would have worn on his shoes (shoes, of…
V197: Summer Tea at Carolyn’s
Today I attended a delightful Summer Tea, hosted by Carolyn and Debbie of the Great Basin Costume Society. There were lots of lovely things to eat, and lovely people with whom to…
V196: Bastille Day Sale, July 14-15 – Vive La France!
Today and tomorrow, all 18th century items in the American-Duchess.com shop are on sale for 25% off. That includes Pompadours, Kensingtons, and Pemberlies, as well as Fleur and Dauphine shoe buckles. Visit…
V195: Red Dress in The Garden
Here is preview of a shoot Chris and I did yesterday, for this weekend’s Bastille Day Sale. More on that tomorrow, along with more photos…
V194: More Robe a l’Anglaise Problem Solving
Just getting any idea of final look, with one panel of skirt pinned on, and some trim pinned to the CF – the trim will go around the neckline and down the…
V193: Interview With Lauren Maringola, “Wearing History” Patterns
Today’s interview is with a fantastic, successful, lady entrepreneur and seamstress, Lauren Maringola, of Wearing History, a wonderful company producing authentic, reproduction vintage patterns for a wide range of sizes. Lauren M…
V192: What I’ve Learned About Sleeves (in the past 24 hours)
…besides that sleeves are evil and the bane of every seamstress’ existence… The boneyard of fabric scraps…and sleeves. At least they can become trim for the gown, and not go totally to…
V191: Matchy – Or Not – Striped 18th Century Gowns
Sometimes it really helps, when you’re in the midst of working on a project, to go back and look at reference images, to see how the seamstresses back in the day did…
V190: Progress on the 1770s l’Anglaise
Oooo, fits niiice… LIES! I spent all day yesterday working on this new robe a l’Anglaise, draping, then cutting and stitching. Then correcting. Correcting more. Cursing. More correcting. Ah, if only that…
V189: Beginning a Robe a l’Anglaise a la Polonaise
I’ve been procrastinating on, well, everything costume-related, and with Costume College a mere month away, it’s time to get down to business with this striped gown. My material – I have enough…
V188: Time to Start Planning for Costume College
This year will be my first time attending Costume College in LA. Nervous? Yes! I’ve determined that during the day, easy 20th c. vintage wear will be great, but then there are…