The half-finished, un-feathered robe has been sitting on the dress form for months with so little love given to it…until TONIGHT. (ok, well technically last night, but y’know…) The base gown is…
Stiff Canine/Kitty Crafting Competition
A competition for the cutest crafting pet/sewing helper/general furry costuming menace, over at The Dreamstress. Now, I won’t try to sway your vote or anything….just sayin’…that’s a Robe a L’Anglaise Avi has…
Medivh: 18th c Men’s Patterning Terror
I’ve been looking for patterns for the entire World of Warcraft 18th c. men’s ensemble, but with very little luck. The costume is built on a basic men’s mid-18th c. wardrobe –…
CONTEST! What Should Avi Be For Halloween?
For those of you who follow my other blogs, you will know all about my dog Avi. She is my sewing “helper” and an all-around awesome critter. Since everyone ELSE is getting…
Tee-hee! I promise some epic bomb-sized posts coming up as we near All Hallow’s Eve. Oh, I’ve got some splendid surprises for you!
Time Travel: A Weekend of Ridiculous Costume Fun!
Ah, the fruits of our labors. Do we not agree that after working so hard on our historic dresses and hats and whatnots, it is the best reward to be able to…
Oooo, Pretty! Changes!
Ah, finally a new background for American Duchess blog, which I found through The Dreamstress, who has also changed her background to awesomeness! What do you guys think? It’s more…in your face…
The KCI J&G Project: Reference and Mysterious Mysteries
The main question on my mind as of late has been “What does the jacket do in the back?” Obviously there is an extant, existing garment, yet no one except the lucky…
The Evolution of Fashion…
Ladies (and Gentlemen Callers)… The history of fashion, from the 18th to the 21st century, has just been beautifully swept through in this wonderful commercial…. …too bad it’s a commercial for a…
The CraftFail Verdict
The truth about those scissors I posted about earlier today: no, they don’t cut fabric. My world is shattered. My portrait boxes are coming out mega fail. No, you don’t get pictures!…
1795 Barn Owl Costume: Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten
I’ll admit I’ve been distracted. The half-finished taffeta/broadcloth base of the robe has been sitting on my dress form for weeks, untouched, unloved, but not forgotten. It is the start of September,…
Introducing The KCI Jacket & Gilet (J&G) Project
There is an ensemble it seems all lady costumers smitten with the 18th c truly covet. It is a work of art in textile, construction, and design, and also an enigma. It…
Time Travel: Dickens Dress A Go-Go
Well, there goes another one! The Middle Class Elizabethan gown I wrote about not two days ago just sold from Etsy this evening, woohoo! So now it’s time to list another! This…
Awards: The Dreamstress Gives A Stylish Nod to Lil’ Duchie!
Edit: American Duchess t-shirt bran has been honored with the “Stylish Blog Award” by The Dreamstress! I’ve confused my own self, LOL, but head on over to that other blog with the same…
Time Travel : Goodbye Old Friend
Ladies and Gentlemen (of which there are likely very few)… Last weekend I sold a costume I’d made for Halloween some years ago. I had listed it on Etsy and managed to…
1790s Jacket: Finished, Worn, Loved
That’s right, I actually managed to put off finishing my 1790s jacket until the very last possible day, and then completed it just in time, along with an all-purpose quilted petticoat for…
Amadeus Award: Five 18th c. Blogs I Can’t Live Without
Time for me to pass on this wonderful award that was given to me a little while ago by Mrs. Woffington. So here goes… This award, originally bestowed by Wolfgang Amade Mozart…
1790s Jacket Progress: So Near Yet So Far!
Here it is, the update on the 1790s stripey jacket, as promised! There really wasn’t and isn’t much left to do on this piece. Tonight I set the sleeves, sewed some boning…
Rococo-Inspired Feather Headbands
Ok, I know. I’ve been REALLY bad about updating this blog, after you all came to read it. I promise, PROMISE you an updated TONIGHT on the red-striped jacket I’ve been neglecting…
A Wee Poll…
My wonderful female readers, if it is not too much to ask, would you all kindly fill out the poll below? My eternal gratitude! I know it has not much to do…