Ah, the fruits of our labors. Do we not agree that after working so hard on our historic dresses and hats and whatnots, it is the best reward to be able to wear them and be admired? I will admit how vain I am – I like to have my picture taken, although it is more a picture of the costume and the character it creates.

Saturday, Glorious Magglar of Serendipitous Stitchery, and I skipped over to Old Sacramento for Gold Rush Days. What an amazing place! I had been to Old Sac one other time, but it was nothing like this visit – they had brought in tons of dirt to cover the roads, and had horse-drawn carriages, stagecoaches, Pony Express riders, and cavalry soldiers cruisin’ around all day on horseback. The cavalry were always doing something, maneouvers, or hauling about canon with eight-in-hand. There was even an antique water-wagon rollin’ around keeping the dust down.

The sidewalks in Old Sac are all boardwalks, and they front a myriad of awesome little stores, from the Dry Goods shop, selling all kinds of Victorian costume accoutrements, to the six or seven ccandy shoppes, to a store that sells just socks, and a surprising number of tattoo parlours. There were some people in costume, there with the show, but mostly it was packed with families and on-lookers, absolutely PACKED. Maggie, myself, and our awesome new friend Jenny (Buttons & Bows) walked around attempting to shop, but were stopped every 10 feet or so for photos. I didn’t mind, although sometimes we were stuck somewhere for several minutes while many MORE people snapped pictures of us. It was like papparazzi!!!! eeek!

Eventually we hope some of those photos end up somewhere in the webiverse, but for now, here are a couple I snapped of the day.

Sunday was another day in front of the camera. I was invited to model some costumes for the awesome photographer David Yu, a regular at Golden Gate Renaissance Fair, and other San Francisco street events. We shot at History Park in San Jose, and I wore a couple Victorian things, and some very NON-period hair and makeup. It got rather hot later in the day, so I only did three costume changes, although now I would love to go back and take pictures of some of the others. At any rate, here, in all my vanity, are a selection of those photos:

Margravine Louisa
September 7, 2009 at 6:29 PMI think they all look fantastic – and you look great, too! Well done! Many compilments to you and your talent!
September 7, 2009 at 6:51 PMWhat an amazing photo shoot! You look awesome, how neat to have these! Glad you had fun at both events, it was a blast for me as well to have you both there. 😀
Robin's Egg Bleu
September 7, 2009 at 10:39 PMGorgeous in whatever you wear!
September 8, 2009 at 10:31 AMBeautiful! And it looks like you were having a lot of fun.
Lauren Stowell
September 8, 2009 at 4:42 PMAw, thanks ladies 🙂
Freckles, I had a wonderful time with you! I'm sorry if I came off a bit flip – sometimes my characters interfere with "real" life.
It was a fun time, though both days were HOT!