For some time now I’ve had the Kyoto Costume Institute’s book…the miniature version. It was not until this afternoon that I finally received the KCI “big book,” quite literally a costume “bible,”…
How To: Sizing Up Vintage Patterns For Modern Wear
Never fear, dear readers, for while this particular tutorial is showing a vintage 1950s pattern, these techniques can be used for any pattern that is not your size. Generally we find that…
1795 Robe & Gown: Le Societe De Pique Nique Event
Hooray! The first wear of the 1795 linen robe and voile gown ensemble, complete with 18th c. Hair of Great Enormity, and the curved-brim Great Hat! I know I’ve been bad in…
Behind The Masque: Owl Mask Inspiration Pt. 2
With something as outlandish as what has been percolating in my head, concerning the mask to accompany the barn owl ensemble, I feel it necessary to put as much planning, forethought, and…
1795 Open Robe: It’s About Time For Some PROGRESS
Finally! *Actual* progress! The 1795 Robe is almost completely constructed, but still miles from being finished. This mockup in yellow linen is unlined, and I have an obsessive problem with the interiors…
Travels In Time: Where Has Lil’ Duchess Been?
Oh Dear Readers, if I have not lost you completely, I’m sure you’ve been wondering in an upset fashion why I haven’t posted anything in the past couple weeks or so. This…
Hat-tachements: Resources For Hatpins
By now you all have a hat, of course, fabulously trimmed with ribbons and plummage. There is just one problem: how do you keep this thing on your head!? Enter The Hatpin.…
A Wild Hair : When Good Wigs Gets Better
At about 3 A.M. one morning I decided my 18th century “big wig” just wasn’t big enough. It’s not that I thought it ugly, it just wasn’t the right shape. It was…
The Amazing Crafthat Pt. Deux : Finishing!
When we last looked at our friend The Amazing Crafthat, the crown had been cut off and the brim shaped into a lovely curve, using the spray-bottle method. Now it’s time to…
Behind the Masque: Owl Mask Concept and References
What is more intriguing than and 18th c. Masquerade (and it’s masks)? American Duchess’ first monster project, which all the dress diary entries so far have been working towards, is the notorious…
Butterick 18th C. Stays – In Progress “Glamour”
For all the corset and bodies I’ve made, the 18th c. version, called “stays,” is new to me. I picked up a Butterick (B4484) pattern some years ago and have finally gotten…
The Top 5 18th c. Costume Blogs On the Web
The time has come for the first official “Duchess Awards” to be given out for five of the best costume blogs around, covering 18th century costuming. These sites, updated and maintained regularly…
I’m NOT Crazy! – Examples of Incredible Feather Gowns
Holy Mackerel! Look what I found wandering the interwebs! This is an Yves Saint Laurent gown made of pheasant and vulture (vulture!?) feathers. It’s GORGEOUS!! I don’t have access to vultures, but…
Hair of Great Enormity – a Practical How-To…
Get ready ladies. This is the post you’ve all been waiting for! A step-by-step guide to creating 18th c. monster hair from a long synthetic wig. So by now you’ve got your…
1795 Open Robe: The Sheety Toile
The time has come to create the pattern for the 1795 Open Robe! I printed out my scan of the Janet Arnold “Patterns of Fashion” robe and was pleased to see that…
A Great Place For 18th c. Hats…
While recently perusing the love Duchess of Devonshire blog, I ran across a link for a site selling period straw hats, both men’s and women’s, called “Just Two Tailors.” I was very…
The Amazing CraftHat Pt.1 – shaping
Ever wander through the fun-filled aisles of the craft store and notice the straw hats? They come in many sizes, from large sun hats to miniature doll’s hats. The kicker, though, is…
18th Century Wig-stravaganza Pt.1
Hooray, my wigs have finally come and are in my clutches! After ripping open the box and hastily pulling my two wigs out of their packages, I stuffed the first one on…
Wig Ransom
My wigs arrived today! Unfortunately they are being held hostage in the apartment complex office. I will likely pick them up tomorrow evening, in exchange for the ridiculous amount of dollars that…
GREAT Hats of the Late 18th c. … [what are they and where do I get them?]
…That’s “GREAT” as in Great Dane, Great Blue Herron, and the Great Wall of China. With mountains of hair exploding from the tops of ladies’ heads throughout the 18th century, it made…