Tonight I have reason to celebrate! American Duchess has received the “Kreativ Blogger” award from Costume Queen, of the delightful blog “Aria of an Amateur.” American Duchess has also earned 60 followers tonight! Woo! Time for a party! (or something!)
Rules of The Kreativ Blogger Award:
1. Copy the Kreativ Blogger picture and post it on your page
2. Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog
3. Write seven things about you that we don’t know
4. Choose seven other bloggers that you would like to give the award to
5. Link to the bloggers that you choose
6. Let the winners know that they have the lovely award.
OK, 7 Things You Don’t Know About Me:
1. I made a pact with my parents, when I was about 9, to never have to eat another bite of squash again. I have since broken that pact.
2. I have never been seriously injured, despite all the physical activities and stupid things I do and have done. (knock on wood)3. I was the drum major in my high school marching band.
4. I really wish I knew another language, a beautiful language like French or Gaelic…instead, I learned (or rather spent time NOT learning) Spanish in high school, from an overly tanned hippie named Ms. Jacox.
5. Top Gear is my favorite show in the whole world. And I have a huge crush on Richard Hammond. And that makes me a statistic.
6. Fall is my favorite season; October my favorite month; and October 23rd my favorite day.
7. If I ever have children, I hope they’re boys. Since I’ll more likely have just dogs, I hope they’re girls.
Now for the 7 Blogs of Awesome that shall receive The Kreativ Blogger Award:
1. In Pursuit of Glamour – just beautiful. I want to live in this blogger’s house and sit on her furniture and be surrounded by her things. (ok, was that too creepy?)
2. A Dress A Day – it’s not an easy feat to pull of such an acute blog as this one, and it’s one thing to post pictures of vintage patterns and dresses, but something else entirely to write the extremely witty and entertaining commentary that Erin provides us with!
3. Wearing History – such cuteness! I can’t get over vintage and retro clothing, it just makes me keel over with WANT TO WEAR syndrome. Wearing history offers insights as well as reproduction patterns of some serious cuteness.
4. Marie Antoinette’s Gossip Guide – we love Marie as much as Georgiana. Both blogs are very stylishly designed, and offer a little Rococo goodness on, well, just about everything.
5. In The Long Run – this is a lovely little dress blog that single-handedly taught me the proper way to flatline. So worth the read, she makes such lovely things.
6. Serendipitous Stitchery – Maggie puts textures and colors together than I would never think to work, yet her costumes come out simply fantastically. She has also made something like 10,000 dresses this year (well, maybe I exaggerate a little, but it’s a LOT)
7. Princess Lastertron – a fabulously inspiring blog! I’ve never seen anything like Princess’ felt button-flower bouquets, and I’m truly inspired that she has made such a successful business out of her crafting love. Very cool. Very unique.
The Dreamstress
October 28, 2009 at 7:55 AMHehe! I got you hooked on Princess Lasertron!
And congrats!
October 28, 2009 at 12:38 PMooo! Thanks for the award! I must confess, I am also a major topgear fan too!! 😀
October 28, 2009 at 2:11 PMThanks for the award! I've had to scale back my blogging because of schoolwork and job interviews, but I'll definitely post my response when I get out from under this pile of work!
October 28, 2009 at 9:02 PMLeimomi – yes, you did get me hooked on the Princess. I think she's divine!
Laurenx2 – yay! Proud to be a GearHead 🙂
Gloria – life happens, but blogs are eternal…at least until the internet crashes and we lose everything. Until then, we shall patiently await your updates 🙂
November 1, 2009 at 5:01 PMCongrats on the award. Congrats on finishing the 1795 barn owl dress. Friends of mine saw you at the Gaskell Ball and it was all thumbs up. Angela
November 1, 2009 at 5:30 PMAw thanks! Do you go to Gaskells or PEERS? We should meet!
November 2, 2009 at 4:57 PMI rarely go now. Although a group of us out in the beauticul sunshine yesterday are thinking about getting a group to go at somepoint at the beginning of next year. I know the committee who runs it and have done it for many years up till that last 10 years. I also do PEERs on occassion. I am a member of the Great Bay ARea Costume Guild – are you a member? HOpe we do meet. Angela
Fiona-Jane Brown
November 3, 2009 at 11:08 PMAH!!! You are a fan of the Hamster! Great! I love Richard Hammond with a passion. Think James May is my fave though, mainly cos he isn't married! Will I send you one of Hammy's books for your b'day? You better tell me which ones you've got. There is a groovy Stig cake on sale in our Morrisons and Asda stores here, I'll snap it and you can get someone to make a copy! GrEAT! Wonderful to have another Petrolhead Sister!
Lauren R
November 4, 2009 at 9:07 PMAngela,
I am not a member of the GBACG, but I am well acquainted with many of their ladies. I'm forming a Costumer's Society up here in Reno, and have talked to Kendra about being a sister organization 🙂
FJ, I don't have ANY of Hamster's books. I am a recent convert – just started watching Top Gear about a month ago and am totally hooked, obsessed even (not just because of Richard, the whole show is amazering!). 'Course over here we're just GearHeads – we don't use "petrol" and calling one's self a "gas head" isn't flattering, hahaha.