Yesterday I received a wonderful gift from Beth – four gorgeous vintage sewing patterns! I looooove vintage patterns. There is something about them that just makes sewing with one a real treat,…
V171: A Vintage Button Hook
We’ve all seen these funny little tools. What are they for, even? We no longer wear button-up shoes these days, but back in the 1920s and prior, this was an essential tool…
V170: What Is Inside an American Duchess Shoe?
All this mess makes up one Astoria shoe Hi Ladies! Today I’d like to show you just what makes up a pair of American Duchess shoes. It’s good to know what you’re…
V169: The Pony Express Re-Ride at Fort Churchill, NV
This past Thursday, my parents and I ventured out to Fort Churchill, Nevada, to see the Pony Express Association’s annual re-ride event, in which riders travel the same route, in the same…
V168: Happy Saturday!
This is *my* Saturday mantra, how about you? Thanks to several FB friends for posting this 🙂
V167: Small Biz Betties: Discovering What the Market Needs
Welcome back to Small Biz Betties, where we’ll be talking about starting and maintaining your own small, niche business. Today let’s discuss the most important thing, your IDEA. Every small business starts…
V166: Book Review: “The Art of Finger Waving” by Paul Compan
Art of Finger Waving — Recreating Vintage 1920s and 1930s Hairstyles Paul Compan (c) 2007 by Bramcost Publications ISBN 978-1-934268-34-6 There are few techniques in the world of vintage fashion that inspire…
V165: Costumer’s Link Love {2}
Here are some costume blogs I’ve found recently, and really enjoy. I hope you enjoy them too!: MyLadyWeb: Women’s History and Women Authors WearWhenWhy – Bring the Past to the Present Centuries-Sewing…
V164: Vintage Shoe Ads of 1939-1941
Oh how I love shoes, particularly vintage 20th century shoes. They make me swoon! Some of you already know I’m working on a couple 1920s and 30s designs for next year’s American…
V163: The Carson City Rendezvous, 1860
Mums on the left, me on the right, in our plaid hoop dresses, and bonnets made by dear friend Maggie This past weekend Mummsies and I attended the Carson City Rendezvous, a…
V162: My First Re-covered Victorian Parasol
Yesterday I showed you some lovely extant Victorian parasols that I looked at for inspiration in re-covering a long-handled polyester parasol I bought at Valhalla last weekend. This is the original: Here’s…
V161: Pretty Victorian Parasols
Happy Saturday. I’m a bit late with this entry because I was away at the Carson City Rendezvous for most of the day, but better late than never. These are some inspirational…
V160: Progress on My 18th c. Pocket…and Then More Pockets!
I’ve been embroidering on and off since early May, on my first Georgian pocket. I originally used a pattern from Costume Close-Up: Clothing Construction and Pattern, 1750-1790, but decided not to follow…
V159: 18th Century Bow Jewelry – What to Look For and Where to Get It Today
1780 In the 18th century, bows were a very popular motif found in just about everything aesthetic – architecture and interior design, textile and clothing, and jewelry. For today’s topic, we’re looking…
V158: Pocket Trash
What is Pocket Trash? I first heard this term used by the lovely Miss Emily Waterman and her Doctor, in regards to items carried on your person, while re-enacting, or dressed in…
V157: Opinions Please – Mid-Victorian Shoe Survey
Hi Ladies! It’s market research time once again, and your invaluable opinions are needed to help us decide on a mid-Victorian style of shoe, for next year’s historical footwear lineup. Please answer…
V156: A Start to The Billinghurst Stays, 17??
Rather awhile ago I shared with you some photos of a very interesting, atypical pair of 18th century stays held in our local costume and textile collection. There was much discussion as to…
V155: Valhalla Renaissance Faire, 2012
Lovely courtesans, cute gig I’m back from Valhalla Renaissance Faire, at South Lake Tahoe. Yesterday was lovely, not too hot, and not snowing, lol. Here are some photos from our day… Mom…
V154: Off to The Faire!
I’m away at Valhalla Renaissance Faire, in South Lake Tahoe, CA, to day, so I’ve left you with Ole Bess herself, until I can get back to post pictures from the day.…
V153: Small Biz Betties: Let’s Get Started!
Welcome to “Small Biz Betties,” a bi-monthly column focusing on setting up and running a small business. If you are of the mind to work for yourself doing what you love, then…