That’s just TOO MUCH BLING! Yesterday I acquired my trim, 8 yards of stiff, shiny, blingy silver goodness, about 2″ wide…but unfortunately blisteringly, blindingly blingy. Too much bling – baroque though it…
Going Baroque – The Guts of the Beast
So excited about this costume am I that I spent tonight sewing the lining (simple white muslin) and the interlining (canvas) together and beginning my boning channels, to make the structured base…
Going Baroque : Patterning Extravaganza
Ah, the joyous process of draping and drafting. There is nothing quite like developing a pattern from nothing, finding the shapes, getting the exact fit. I don’t claim to be *good* at…
Adventures in the Forgotten Century – American Duchess Goes Baroque
There comes a time in every girly costumer’s seamstressing career when she wants a pink polonaise, a huge, fluffy, crispy, pink taffeta 18th century polonaise. She salivates over the mere idea of…
1940 Floral Summer Dress – Progress
As promised, progress photos on the 1940 dress, done up in brown floral cotton shirting, and using a vintage 1940 Simplicity pattern belonging to my grandmother. The wonderful thing about vintage patterns…
Pattern for Smartness – 1940s Sewing Inspiration
I clicked through to this video from la Chatelaine Chocolat’s blog, so we have her to thank for the link. I’m enthralled by this little video put out in 1948, but Simplicity. …
Plans: Vintage Summer Dresses, 2010
As the massive project of James’ 18th c. suit draws to a close, I have much to think about of where I want to go next. With the weather beginning to warm…
The Little Business of Ribbon Cockades
I enjoy making these WAY too much. So much, in fact, that I went to the fabric store and came home with, uh, 11 rolls of grosgrain ribbon. Whoops! I’m ever so…
A Few 18th c. Style Fabrics You Should Know About…
I’ve been scouring all my favorite web-haunts for fabrics from which to make my summer dresses. In the search, I’ve come across some really gorgeous batistes, lawns, and voiles that are just…
How To Make 18th c. Cockades
by Lauren Reeser Cockades are so cool. They add so much interest and texture to a hat, pinned to a jacket, even tied onto your shoes. So here’s how to make them……
Button, Button – Who’s Got the Button?
by Dana Reeser Or more correctly, who made the button? Lil’ Duchie never played “button button” so she didn’t get the reference, but this is Lil’ Duchie’s Lady Mother writing to you…
:Ubersexlich 18th c. Men’s Suit – More Progress…Again…
Please excuse the messiness of my room! More progress on James’ velvet and brocade suit. The linings are being hand-stitched in and pleats adjusted…and….and…. The right side in this photo still needs…
Five Senses Friday…
I find this cute and compelling, so I’m going to try it. It makes us really think about the state of our own selves for a minute. Got this from “Pink of…
:Ubersexlich – Progres on Le Suit
Progress on James’ 18th c. suit. Actually, lots of progress, but on things that just aren’t things you take pictures of for your blog: black buttonholes on black fabric, interior linings sewn…
Happy St. Patricks Day, from Irish-American Duchess
Some bits and pieces to wish you a happy St. Patty’s. Firstly, some green. I’ve been practicing my cockade-making and it’s beginning to make a bit more sense. I still haven’t gotten…
Happenings: What’s Going On?
My super-woman blogging abilities have been lacking lately, no? So here’s a bit to let you know what’s been going on in the Wild World of Duchess… 1. I got another dog. …
Happy Birthday, American Duchess
Yay, this blog is a year old! (well, belated 2 days, but close enough!). Once upon a time it was “The Barn Owl Gown,” a blog dedicated to nothing more than chronicling…
Hatting: My New Obsession
Sometimes there are things so beautiful that we cannot help, as craftspeople, to want to make them ourselves. We become afflicted with this syndrome, and run off to learn how to do…
Extra Foxy Thursday
This has nothing to do with anything, but I was so inspired by my “inspirations” this week that I went off and drew it (for a certain Mr. C, it was a…
Inspirations {March 2. 2010}
What’s inspiring me this week – warm tones, peaches, auburns, siennas, creams – but in a desaturated, antique, faded sort of way. I have a strong desire to make floaty voile dresses…