Some bits and pieces to wish you a happy St. Patty’s. Firstly, some green.

I’ve been practicing my cockade-making and it’s beginning to make a bit more sense. I still haven’t gotten my lazy self to the store to buy grosgrain or petersham ribbon, which I know will make this infinitely more easy, so scraps of satin ribbon have had to stand in. Still working out how to finish the thing when I get around to meeting ends. I think I might try one in paper to see if I can manage it better.

Next – things that makes me supremely happy. Well, one thing I have a photo of at least. You know when you walk into Target there are those shelves full of $1 items? These glass tealight lanterns were $1 a piece, and they had them in three colors – clear, pink, and green. I couldn’t resist! They also have garden lights ($12, not $1) on a string, which I found to be a charming way to light my all-too-dark bedroom, by stringing them on hooks from the ceiling. Target wins!

Guess what arrived in the mail? James’ tricorn hat! I ordered this hat for probably-too-much-money, from TopHats.com. It’s a wool felt blocked hat with a nice petersham edging, and a leather band inside. The quality is pretty alright, but not brilliant. Now what to do with it? I plan to make James a completely awesome navy blue and black double cockade, to be clipped on to the edge of the brim. Do you think silver trim (the same as on the coat) would look good on the edge of the brim, or would that be too much? The photos here show the hat on over my new hedgehog wig (looks nice, yeah?).

March 17, 2010 at 6:56 PMHow did you learn to make a cockade? Is there an online tutorial or book? I've been dying to try my hand at this…
Irish-American Duchess
March 17, 2010 at 9:26 PMVirtiol – I looked at House of Nine's fabulous ribbon cockades and then just sorta figured it out. I plan to post a tutorial on this as soon as I am decent at making them and have good photos – soon! soon!
Margravine Louisa
March 17, 2010 at 9:29 PMyes, i think silver would go with the ubersexlicht outfit— do tell more about the tricorn —- i am thinking of ordering from them, too —do you think it worth the expense?
Olympe de la Tour D'Auvergne
March 17, 2010 at 10:17 PMJas Townsend has tricorns ranging in price from $25-$165. (http://jas-townsend.com)
Smiling Fox Forge has them starting at $55 (http://www.smilingfoxforgellc.com/hats.asp)
Smoke and Fire has them for $20 and $45 (www.smoke-fire.com)
Just in case you wanted to compare/contrast the cost-benefit ratio of products. And yes, I think the silver would be smashing.
American Duchess
March 17, 2010 at 10:47 PMMargravine – Really, I'm not sure if I think it was worth the cost. It's nicely blocked, but it doesn't fit the head all that well, it's round instead of oval. However, it is a *real* hat, and feels nice in the hands. It cost around $85-$90 after shipping, to get it to me!
Comtesse – THANK YOU so much for the other resources. I'll have to give a try to the others (I want a tricorn for myself too!), and see how they stack up. Thanks again!
Olympe de la Tour D'Auvergne
March 17, 2010 at 11:07 PMYou're very welcome! I'm trying to decide myself between the afore-mentioned suppliers, as I need a tricorn for a show at the end of April. I'll let you know if I find one that's a good price and good quality combined.
March 18, 2010 at 4:04 AMLots of silver (says the customer).
Am. Duchess
March 18, 2010 at 4:47 AMGood, that settles that 🙂 I didn't know if you would prefer it less or more, if you want to wear it with other outfits in the future, but silver is a pretty safe bet 🙂 lots of silver it is 🙂
March 18, 2010 at 1:08 PM… and a feather? A great big ostrich feather would look most dashing indeed!
American Duchie
March 18, 2010 at 5:07 PMIt would, yes, but I'm not sure where to put it. There is no hatband, and to have the feather on the outside of the upturned brim, coming from the cockade, I think would look a bit odd. Hrm. Must figure this out…
March 25, 2010 at 8:57 PMIt's Paddy's Day.
March 26, 2010 at 5:15 AMPaddy, Patty, either works, as it's derived from Patrick. More accurately Paddy of course. The day has been so bastardized through the filter of American culture and subculture that frankly whether she's typed "Paddy" or "Patty" or "Pati" or "Patricia" or "Pterodactyl" doesn't matter so long as there's green, shamrocks, leprechauns, and the most important American St. Patrick's Day symbol: BEER.