This has nothing to do with anything, but I was so inspired by my “inspirations” this week that I went off and drew it (for a certain Mr. C, it was a gift), and am so very tickled by it that I thought I’d post it here. I guess, for some reason, foxes are associated with the 18th c. for me, whether it’s because of fox hunting and riding habits, or “The Fox” costume from “The Duchess,” or a little fox pendant I bought and wore with various 18th c. gowns…

Fiona-Jane Brown
March 5, 2010 at 12:38 AMFoxy is just LOVELY
Fiona-Jane Brown
March 5, 2010 at 12:39 AMCan you make one for me, and one for Matt as well? (he of Mr Tod)
Margravine Louisa
March 5, 2010 at 1:17 AMoh, i do love that jacket she wears, altho' i'm not too crazy about the foxtale hat. ( i admire your drawn fox, however, mr. tofd indeed1).
Lauren,can you steer me in the right direction of a pattern I could adapt to look like that jacket? I am still steampunking, and think hunting attire would be rather suitable!
I love your blog, and check it every day!
Lauren R
March 5, 2010 at 6:08 AMFJ – do you want a new foxy or this one? you can have this one, just save it if you like.
Margravine, hrm…that's a tough one. Are you looking for a commercial pattern? JP Ryan has a pattern with some jackets in it that you might could adapt (just to be clear, are we speaking of the Fox jacket from The Duchess, or the Janet Arnold illustration of the riding coat?) Let me look around a bit more…
March 5, 2010 at 1:31 PMYay – foxes!! A very cute little foxy indeed. Thanks for sharing this lovely illu – foxes are my favourite, so I'm especially joyous about it!
Margravine Louisa
March 6, 2010 at 3:23 AMthanks, Lauren, I found the picture in Janet Arnolds' Patterns of Fashion – now to figure out how to transpose it to fit!
PS: know where to get an authentic looking kepi?
March 7, 2010 at 12:48 AMmargravine – I don't know what a kepi is? As for the pattern, I've used the grid method, with tracing paper/vellum on a gridded cutting mat. It's tedious. You can also use a projector, I hear, or if it's just shape you're after you can drape it in the general shape – I did this last method for a blue wool coat I'm still not quite done with, based on this pattern.
Lauren Stowell
March 7, 2010 at 3:46 AMOh I see a kepi is a hat. I found one at Berkeley hat: