Happy Friday to my international sewing, seamstering, and seriously silly pals! And if it’s not Friday where you are anymore, then happy Saturday. Either way, have a cupcake :-).
17th c Jacket – Empty Nesting
It’s done. It’s beautiful. I’m proud. It’s shipped.
Mad Miss L
Today, a fellow member of the Great Basin Costume Society, Stacy Ferguson-Standstedt, GAVE me a handmade, home-made vintage dress her grandmother made waaaay back in I’m guessing the 1950s, by the looks…
17th c. Jacket – Light at the End of the Tunnel
Ha HA! I see light at the end of the tunnel! It wants buttons and buttonholes, and to turn up the hem. Then I shall lovingly place her into a box, tape…
SideCar: The Gatsby Picnic at Lake Tahoe
1931 Buick, in front of the Pope Mansion What a lovely Sunday it was, at Tallac, on the lawn of the Pope Mansion, surrounded by 1920s and 30s automobiles, listening to jaunty…
SideProject: The Worst Little 1920s Slip Around
This Sunday is the highly anticipated Gatsby picnic at Lake Tahoe, and I’ve got a GREAT vintage dress to wear. Of course, it’s transparent, so I had to make a slip to…
Gussets, Godets, and Gores … and progress on the 17th c. Jacket
First, the progress – the bodice is sewn together, the sleeves assembled, wings on, and sleeves set in. They still pull the tiniest bit at the shoulders, causing the shoulder seams to…
17th c. Jacket – Progress on the Final
With my client’s 17th c. jacket toile back, unpicked, and the pattern altered, I cut into the lovely burgundy wool, and began putting the final piece together, starting with the gussets. My…
17th c. Jacket: Finished Toile, Round 1
Ah, how lovely it is to have a finished, fitting toile. My client is afraid the toile won’t fit her, but as it’s in the mail today, we will wait a couple…
17th c. Jacket: Toile-ifications, Round 1
With my dress form “batted” and corseted to my client’s measurements, I started working on her pattern. I drafted this pattern with help from a little scribble I made in my journal…
A Dress Form, of the 1 7th Century
Okay, this post isn’t very exciting, but I’m excited about, because my brilliant plan is working. My client is all the way across the country, so we will not be able to…
A Day in Virginia City, Nevada – The Girls of 1879
On the back stairs of the extremely haunted Old Washoe Club. These stairs were used to usher prostitutes into the upper levels of this building, known as The Millionaire’s Club. We visited the Old…
Happy Independence Day … Yesterday
Happy 4th of July – Independence Day – America-is-so-cool-and-I-love-it! Day, from American Duchess 🙂 We had a bbq, not in costume, but there were dogs (no photos, though!). Now get back to…
17th c. Shirt
Last time I posted about 17th c. costume, we were looking at the client’s references for 17th c. linen shirts. Well now it’s done! lol. I used a simple rectangle-based pattern for…
Trinkets On My Vanity
I’ve been getting more and more enthralled with the “manual” function on my camera, and I’m really starting to learn how to, y’know, use it. I’ve been taking pictures of everything! I…
And Now For A Shameless Plug…
Ladies (and Gentlemen), I want to tell you a little about myself. I am a freelancer, a contract illustrator and designer who makes her living by taking commissions for various applications of…
Time Travel: The Baroque Gown at June Gaskells Ball
So what if Gaskell’s Ball in Oakland, CA, has a Victorian theme! I wore the Baroque, and loved every minute of it. I’m continually surprised at how comfortable this costume is. The…
Yay! Versatile Blogger Award!
Comtesse Olympe De La Tour d’Auvergne, whom due to that length of name hurting my head we shall refer to henceforth as The Comtesse, has awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award, yay!…
I Had To Post This…
Er, this is just…yeah, couldn’t pass it up. And the collies!? Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
The Baroque, AT LAST
My lovely blog readers, you have been so patient in waiting for me to chug through a couple other costumes before returning to The Baroque, but at long last your wait is…