In honor of the snow, the cold, and having bested Turkey Day, I’ve switched it up here to a festive holiday theme, and to celebrate, enjoy this obnoxious and yet stunning 1871…
American Duchess Boutique (on Black Friday)
20% OFF SALE, any item, use the coupon code VINTAGENOVEMBER, now through December 1st! Ladies and Gents, in celebration of 300 followers, and because in Capitalismland it’s “Black Friday,” I want to…
Costume Analytics: Marquise de Merteuil’s Peach Robe à La Française, from “Dangerous Liaisons”
This week on Costume Analytics, let’s look at a fantastic 1770s Robe a la Francaise, from the other pinnacle of 18th c. movie costuming, Dangerous Liaisons (1988). This film never goes out of style,…
Costume Modeling at the Nevada Museum of Art
I was very lucky to be invited to model my latest 18th c. outfit for a painting and drawing class at the Nevada Museum of Art, thanks to Lady Carolyn, who recommended…
Regency Short and Somewhat Transitional Stays
The newt project for Lauren the Silhouettist is a pair of Regency short stays. We first took a look at what’s out there, for inspiration: Transitional 1790s (left) and long busked stays…
18th c. Sunny Stays Complete
Well here they are! I’m proud of these stays, and I know Lauren the Silhouettist will also love them. Don’t squeel about the metal grommets, they’ll be covered in threads! All in…
Costume Analytics: Baroness Crussol’s Flamboyant Red Jacket, 1785
Did you miss Costume Analytics? This week we are taking a look at a portrait by Louise-Elisabeth Videe Lebrun, painted in 1785, of the Baroness Crussol. We can tell the Baroness was…
Boutique: Treasures from the November 2010 Buyer’s Trip
Three pairs of beautiful vintage shoes, gloves, figurines, hatpins, teaspoons, more… I spent last weekend down in Sacramento, CA, shopping for interesting things for the Boutique. I feel quite satisfied with my…
Sunny Stay Continued
I love how sometimes there are projects that just want to be made, and they come together so quickly and precisely, and you just love every minute of it. I LOVE these…
Birthday Bait – Books, Teacups, and Lady Grey
Sometime last weekend I turned Older. Luckily this aging was softened by fabulous gifties! I am no longer a “one book wonder!” (well, to be fair, I previously had, like, two books…
Fundraising, and the Casaquin in Action
I wanted to post the couple of photos from last Saturday’s fundraiser in which many a costumed lady represented various arts from the past – tatting, crewelwork, drawing, penmanship, quilting, etc. I’m…
Sunny Stays on Winter Days
Sometimes random things pop up, like a quick little project making a delightful pair of yellow and cream striped stays. How could I resist! I have a lovely client, also named Lauren,…
Planned Projects for My 18th c. Ladies
What’s in the works here at American Duchess? KCI’s embroidered voile Regency gown, plus Janet Arnold’s open robe, done up in gleeming red taffeta. Deadline for this is December 18th, so the…
The Almost-Finished Casaquin Jacket
This little jacket (which ain’t so little, turns out) is finally getting finished, and just in time for the fundraiser event on Saturday, where I will be representing an 18th c. lady…
Costume Analytics: Marie Antoinette’s Celadon Zone-Front Gown
This week on Costume Analytics, we take a look at another of Marie Antoinette’s fabulous dresses, from the Sophia Coppola movie . This time it is the beautiful celadon green zone-front gown, with…
Design Sundays: “Holly Day Dress” on
I thought I’d try my hand at a dress, inspired by both the 18th century and the 1960s. It’s a winter party dress, heavy wine-colored satin with nice big pleats at the…
Costume Analytics: Katrina’s Zone Front Ensemble, “Sleepy Hollow” (1999)
Better late than never! And this week on Costume Analytics, we’re taking a look at a great, spooky, Burton-y interpretation of 18th c. costume, from “Sleepy Hollow” (1999). This costume belongs to…
Three Vintage Hats and the American Duchess Boutique
Hello historically inspired ladies! I thought you might be interested in three vintage hats I’ve listed in the new and improved American Duchess Boutique on Etsy. Here they are (click the photos)):…
Gertie’s New Blog for Better Sewing = Tailoring Magic for the 18th c. Costumer
Do you guys know about Gertie’s? I don’t remember how I found this blog, but it’s absolutely fantastic. She is doing a “sew along” on a retro-style winter coat, and each post…
What’s All This About Casaquins?
Half a casaquin, the lovely and somewhat strange pleats in back. You may have noticed I’ve been talking a lot about 18th c. jackets, particularly the casaquin, lately. There’s a good reason…