This week on Costume Analytics we will take a trip across the Pond and look at a snazzy American fashion, depicted in Ralph Earl’s 1791 portrait of Mrs. William Moseley. This is…
Design Sundays: “Raindrops” Raincoat on
“Raindrops” coat design, by yours truly. Give it a vote (click the picture) This week on Design Sunday: a new jacket sketch inspired by an absolutely darling 18th c. pink, quilted, hooded…
What Exactly IS a Tea Gown?
Pretty new teacup from Sacramento. There is a tea coming up, to which my Lady Mother and I have been invited, and we’re quibbling over what to wear. In our modern-American-brains we…
What Is the Difference Between a Caraco and a Casaquin? and Other 18th c. Jackets…
Countess Olympe asked the question, “what is the difference between a caraco and a casaquin?” And what about those other jackets-with-mysterious-French-names too? Well here we go… Disclaimer: The information in this post…
Costume Analytics: 1780s Casaquin Jacket
This week on Costume Analytics we are taking a look at an extant garment from the 1780s. This little jacket is known as a “casaquin,” a short jacket usually pleated at the…
1940s Evening Gown in Progress
I have mucho to update you all on, and I’m having difficultly deciding where and which project to start with! See, it’s one of *those* months, in which way too many things…
American Duchess Designs on
Special thanks to Lady Carolyn Runnells, who sent me a link to this snazzy new website, called, I think you should *all* take a look at. It’s a website for clothing…
Costume Analytics: 1770-80 Chintz Caraco & Petticoat
This week on Costume Analytics, we’ll be looking at everyone’s favorite caraco-petticoat ensemble, from the V&A. A beautiful example of a matching jacket and skirt, this English ensemble is made up in…
Pattern Grading, Not For the Faint of Heart
The dining table in all its glory I just finished a bit of an assignment that is quite literally the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire seamstering…
Stays – Olympe’s Test Stays Complete
I’ve learned SO much while working on these stays, and much shall change in the final pattern. They’re to be mailed off to Olympe today, for a fitting, and we’ll go from…
Costume Analytics: Marie Antoinette’s Dove Grey Riding Habit
Welcome to “Costume Analytics,” where we take a close look (or as close as possible) at scintillating costume pieces from portraits, movies, and museums, and break down what they’re made of, how…
Cranach and Holbein and Durer, Oh My…
“Judith Victorious” Cranach, c 1530 Something I’m thinking about, but I’m not *sure* about right now. I’ve had an itch, a tiny only mildly itchy itch, for some years now, that I…
Staycation – More Progress on Olympe’s Test Stays
The tabs on the right are bound, but not on the left. Also to come – eyelets, bindings, and ribbons for the straps. Some more progress on the test stays for Olympe.…
Staying Put – Olympe’s Test Stays, and Moving
More work on the test garment that will help me fit Olympe’s stays. I’ve installed all the boning as well as the grommets (to be covered in threads in the future). I’ve…
Happy Autumn from American Duchess
In honor of the turn of seasons, enjoy this autumnal new background from And just for extra Autumy celebratory entertainment, here’s a poll: What is your favorite period for historical costuming?Market…
Olympe’s Stays – Overnight Stay
The boning channels, stuffed. I should have taken more care to cut the peach jacquard in a way more, well, thought through, but as a mock-up garment it was not the priority.…
Olympe’s Stays – Mock-Up Progress
The blue line at the waist indicates where an additional tab will be cut, after installing the bones. Ah, lovely progress on Olympe’s stays this evening – well, the mock-up in any…
The Problem With Sewing for Other People
This is a blog, a place where I can post my dress progress, what’s going on in my life, what I’m working on, places I’m going…and also a space in which I…
The Stays That Bind: Olympe’s 18th c. Stays
Starting a new project, a pair of stays, a commission for Olympe. Olympe’s materials – cream jacquard, yellow linen, and the stays shall be interlined in canvas They will lace at the…
18th Century Notebook
This just in, from Demode (which means most of you already know about this): The 18th Century Notebook A vast and huge consolidation of 18th c. clothing from across the webiverse. There…