My lovelies, today we have a *major* announcement for you. Lovers of 18th century costume rejoice, for our most popular “Kensington” 18th century shoes are now available in a range of colors…and…
New Kensingtons Are Coming…
Ladies, we have a *big* announcement coming soon… If you want the inside scoop, click through to sign up for the email notification list.
How to Fit 18th Century Shoe Buckles
You’ve just got yourself a fine new pair of American Duchess 18th century shoes and you ordered some sparkly 18th century shoe buckles to go with them. Now what? Fitting shoe buckles…
An 1880s Bodice Plastron – Refit
Me and Abby in our bustle gowns – totally different styles but we actually used the same pattern for the apron. Do you ever pop into your Costume Closet to decide what…
I’m Going “Durrells” For the Summer
Or forever. Fans Addicts of British television will be familiar with the wonderful series “The Durrells” (or “The Durrells in Corfu” if you’re here in the US where for some reason we…
What Are Those Knobbles on 1790s Stays?
From “Corsets and Crinolines” by Norah Waugh – see those nobbles? What are those nobbles for? Read on… Have you ever wondered about those weird round knobbles and pads on late 1780s-1790s…
Book Signing Soiree at Lacis Museum of Lace & Textiles
This past weekend we popped over The Hill down to Berkeley to visit on of our favorite shops *ever* – Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles. We were honored to be invited…
The Creature Reborn – Retrimming the Pink Polonaise
Once upon a time I made a pink taffeta polonaise and trimmed it in organza, a very 1770s thing to do. At the time, I tried hand roll hemming and found it…
Podcast Episode 17: Embracing Your Eccentric Historical Self with Zack Pinsent, Historic Tailor
Hey Everybody! Woohoo! We have a new episode of Fashion History with American Duchess to share with you today! Earlier this year, we managed to get our favorite English [historic] tailor, Zack…
1765 Robe a la Bon Bon – Progress on the Gown
The sacque back is looking swell I’ve been sewing on-and-off on my new sacque for a few weeks now. I only have the weekends to fiddle these days, but luckily progress happens…
1760s Robe a la Bon Bon – The Petticoat
Finished sacque petticoat over pocket hoops I’ve been steadily progressing on my new sacque, using the Simplicity 8578 Robe a la Francaise pattern we released December 2017. Since I already had pocket…
Book Review: Torn by Rowenna Miller
Hi All! Abby here with something a bit different for you today. A few weeks ago we were contacted by a publisher regarding fellow blogger, historic costumer, and reenactor – Rowenna Miller’s…
Podcast Episode 16 – Corsets, Broadway, and Owning Your Own Costuming Business with Cynthia Settje of RedThreaded
Hi All! We’re so excited about today’s episode of Fashion History with American Duchess, because we finally got to sit down with Cynthia of RedThreaded to pick her brain about patterning corsets, working…
A *New* 1760s Robe a la Bon Bon (or Sacque-a-Macarons?)
I have a confession to make. I admit to feeling quite jealous whenever I see Abby dressed in the pink and white 1768 sacque from The American Duchess Guide. To me, that…
A Little History of “Mansfield” Regency Riding Boots
Howdy! Today on our “little history” posts, I’ll be giving you some background on our wonderfully exciting new late 18th century and Regency era riding boots. Oh yes, I said riding boots!…
A Little History of “Eliza” Early Victorian Shoes
American Duchess “Eliza” Early Victorian Oxfords in brown Today in our “little history” post I’ll give you some background on our new split-vamp oxford “Eliza.” The idea for the “Eliza” shoes came…
Podcast Episode 15: Jazz, Dandies, and Vintage Style with Dandy Wellington
Hi All! We’re back with the first of our “second season” of Fashion History with American Duchess! Our first episode is with our talented & well dressed friend, Dandy Wellington. Lauren and…
A Little History of “Amelie” Satin Pumps
Amelie Victorian & Edwardian Satin Pumps with Clip-on Bows by American Duchess It’s that exciting time of year when we here at American Duchess present all the new Spring/Summer shoe styles for…
PRE-ORDER! Spring Historic Shoes!
Ladies, it’s time. It’s February 1st. We promised you a pre-order and a pre-order you shall have! We have four fresh new styles for you covering pretty much all of the 19th…
How to Lengthen/Shorten 18th Century Stays
The #1 question we receive about Simplicity 8162 (and will with Simplicity 8579 as well) is how to lengthen or shorten the stays. Particularly with Simplicity 8162, the body block used came…