I don’t know about you, but when I see September on the horizon, no matter how hot it is outside, I start thinking of Fall wardrobe. Autumn colors and cozy fabrics flood my imagination and I take to the internet seeking the ever elusive vintage-style knitwear.
This year I’m obsessed with Edwardian and Great War era sweaters. The knits of the World War I era were surprisingly modern – think hip-length cardigans with shawl collars and belted waists. This sounds like something you can surely buy today, but as with so many modern items there always seems to be something off about a design. Still, we are undeterred, so here are my tips and ideas for where to source your own WWI style sweater or cardigan this season.
1. The Thrift Store
“I wear my grandma’s clothes; I look incredible.” Don’t I wish! The chances of finding an extant Great War era sweater…and then also wearing it…are slim to none. BUT! You might get lucky and find an early 2000s shawl-collar cardigan that either fits the bill or can be altered to the right look. Don’t be afraid to look in the men’s section as well. Double-breasted, shawl collar sweaters seem to have been relegated to menswear in recent decades.
An example of a thrift store found sweater. The collar never sat quite right on this garment, but it all had the right look when put together. |
2. Amazon
It sounds crazy, but if you’re good at keyword searching you might be able to suss out some good sweater juju on Amazon. Searching for things like “shawl collar sweater,” “shawl collar sweater coat,” “hip length cardigan,” and so on. Again, don’t be afraid of dipping into the gentleman’s realm, but do double check the measurements, especially shoulder width. Prices and quality vary wildly on Amazon, so you may just want to nip to the other options below…
3. Etsy
You have several options on the ever-popular vintage-and-handmade platform. For clarity’s sake I’ll list them individually…
A. Have something knitted for you. I found a few vendors on Etsy who will knit on demand for you, either by hand or machine. Some will knit from original vintage patterns (hallelujah because there are lots of those available!) while others offer pre-made designs that are pretty close. It may be possible to request alterations or customizations. Just contact the vendors you like to ask about custom designs. Prices on custom-knit garments vary, but be prepared to shell out a respectable amount for someone’s literal handiwork.
Woolen Fashion Shop in Latvia machine knits what appear to be *gorgeous* sweaters (among other things) according to your measurements and in a wide variety of colors. This looks like a stunning deal at $95.00. Just be prepared to wait for any custom-made garment.
Kath’s Knitwear currently shows sweaters made from later vintage patterns, but it appears that she is open to custom projects too. It is worth it to contact her to see about doing your own design from a photo or original pattern.
B. Seek a vintage/repro/thrift sweater in the right style, regardless of the age. This could mean something from last week, the 1980s, or the 1920s, etc. You’re looking for the design elements – hip-length, shawl collar, belted waist. Be prepared to spend a long time searching, though, which can be an enjoyable Saturday afternoon or untold hours in an internet shopping vortex, depending on how you feel about buying clothes online.
One thing to pay particular attention to is the fiber content. We love the 1970s and 80s for the Edwardian revival pieces, but we don’t love the sticky acrylic and polyester that garments from these periods can be made in. Try for full or at least partial natural materials.
C. Find ye olde vintage knitting pattern. There are lots and lots of these on Etsy (and elsewhere on the internet). Download or purchase the pattern and fire it off to the custom knitting maven you found from method A or…
3. Knit That Thing Yourself
I personally do not have the prowess to knit anything, let alone a fully-formed sweater with a collar and sleeves and pockets and stuff. BUT! If you are a savvy knitter, bust out your needles and go for it. The next best thing to an authentic original is a newly made, one-of-a-kind sweater made from an authentic original pattern.
UPDATE – Several lovely followers (and Abby) have found other sources for sweaters, either ready-made or patterns. I will list these below:
Vermont Country Store – several options for long, shawl-collar sweaters. I’m getting this one and while it doesn’t have a belt, I feel confident that I can find a matching-ish wool yarn and knit one, even with my feeble knitting skills.
Those are the ideas I’ve come up with for sourcing your own WWI-era sweater, but if you’ve got any other secret sauce to spread atop this post, please let me know in the comments section!
p.s. This post is crammed full of affiliate links so I can afford my Starbucks addiction once in awhile Help a chai sister out. <3
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