Our ship docked at Pier 33, San Francisco Hi again, from the Big Blue! The last two days we’ve been at port in San Francisco, a city I’m familiar with, but oddly…
V130: Catalina Island, 1940
First off, this… Now, got that out of the way… I’m currently on a cruise with Lady Carolyn, going up the West Coast of America, into Canada. Carolyn is an “onboard speaker,”…
V129: 18th Century Reds
Imatex – red velvet jacket, bound in blue, 1780-90s. This is a must-someday-make jacket I’m a sucker for red, I’ll admit. My second 18th century gown was red and still love it…
V128: Interview with Laurie Tavan, “Daze of Laur” Couture
Today’s interview is with a fantastic seamstress, Laurie Tavan, who creates incredible historical garments and custom corsets. Her attention to detail and skill in design and technique are second to none. In…
V127: Costumer’s Link Love
Here are some costume blogs I’ve found recently, and really enjoy. I hope you enjoy them too!: A Lady of Fashion The Mended Soul Today’s Dandy Serendipitous Stitchery The Button Basket Rococo…
V126: A Colonial Williamsburg Pocket for Colonial Williamsburg
I’m about to leave on a West Coast cruise for eight days and I thought I’d take along some embroidery. I’m not much of an embroiderer, but it interests me, and I…
V125: Costume Painting, Week 4, Tudor Peasant Girl
Here is my painting from last night’s historical costume painting class. We had a lovely model dressed as a Tudor peasant. The white shirt and head wrap gave me a lot of…
V124: How to Measure Your Footsies and Find Your Correct Shoe Size
Hi all! I made a video to show you how to measure your foot and find your proper shoe size. This includes both the length and the width measurements associated with “B”…
V123: Instant 1930s Shirt
Back in 1930, in Hollywood, the Hays Code determined what was and was not acceptable to show in a motion picture. Things like profanity, drug trafficking, and childbirth couldn’t be shown, but…
V122: Beginnings of a Polonaise Jacket
Gallerie des Modes, 1780. Dames a la Mode on Tumblr I’ve finally settled on a design for one of my Colonial Williamsburg pieces – a polonaise jacket, inspired by a couple of…
V121: “The Unsinkables” at Gaskells Titanic Ball
As promised, here are a few photos from Gaskells Ball last Saturday, with our “Unsinkables” group of lovely-attired ladies. I had a fabulous time, and got to see so many people I…
V120: 1912 Titanic Ball, Hair Stylings
I just got back from The Other Side of the Mountains (Californialand), and my trip down to Gaskells Victorian Ball. It was an amazing evening, full of beautiful 1912 gowns that I…
V119: Are Sequins Period Accurate?
The Met: toque (hat), 1915 The short answer is YES! I’ve heard this question come up a couple of times, in regard to using sequins on our Titanic gowns. Sequins are not…
V118: Costume Painting 3 -Scantily Clad Carolyn
Last night was class #3 of Costume Painting at the Nevada Museum of Art. Carolyn modeled for us, in her Victorian skivvies. I’m not totally happy with this painting, except the face.…
V117: Book Review: “Couture Sewing Techniques” by Claire B. Schaeffer
Couture Sewing Techniques Claire B. Shaeffer (c) 2011 by Claire B. Shaeffer ISBN 978-1-60085-335-7 A great many of us are self-taught seamstresses. We come equipped with a suite of sewing techniques taught…
V116: Finally, My Almost-Complete Titanic Ball Gown
Okay, so it’s *still* not done, despite the event coming up on Saturday, but hey … it’s a costumer’s life, right? At any rate, it is “very almost” done. Both sleeves are…
V115: Update on “Astoria” Edwardian Shoes
You have all been waiting ever so patiently for the replacement shipment of Astorias to be manufactured and shipped, and for that I am eternally grateful. Now I have an update for…
V114: Incredible 18th Century Jackets from the Imatex Online Collection
I have to give mad thanks to Emily over at My Vintage Visions, who showed me the secret of searching the Imatex costume collection, a wonderful resource with gigantic photos in which…
V113: Photos from The Steampunk Expo, Reno
Yesterday the local Reno Steampunk club, High Desert Steam, held its first annual “Biggest Little Steampunk Expo.” The idea was to kick off a Summer season of Steampunk events – movie nights,…
V112: Steampunk Expo Yay!
Okay, I’m SO tired, but we had the most amazing 1st annual Steampunk Expo here in Reno. It was a huge success! Now time for a nap …. more photos tomorrow. Photo…