Some of the lovely, lovely items I received for Christmas… Costume books! The one beneath is an illustrated shoe reference guide – good stuff! A lovely beaded 1920s style purse. I’ve been…
V342: 1930s Christmas Dress, Decades of Style #3007
Happy Holidays! For those of you who celebrated Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful one! We had a family-and-friend-packed day, full traditions old and new. One of my new traditions is…
V340: 1930s Christmas Dress, “Green Acres” Gown Progress, and a Flippin’ Button Hook
It’s Christmas Eve! Yeeeeeeee! Aside from running around buying last minute gifts and groceries, it’s a great day off to get a little sewing in. I finished my 1930s Christmas dress, and…
V338: Green Acres Bustle Gown Skirt Progress
It’s slow going over here in Green Acres, partially due to laziness, and partially due to the omg-howmuchyardage!?-for-trims that comes along with many bustle projects. My original plan for the trimmeries on…
V337: Bustle Decoration Inspiration
I’ve been so bad about blogging recently. So much for 365 straight days of blogging! I will make it to 365, but it won’t be by January 1st, haha! Anywho, I thought…
V336: The Geneva Hand Fluter – Experiments
Last to arrive from my round of eBay acquisition was the Geneva Hand Fluter, a ridged iron that was used to flute, or crimp, all kinds of things, like cuffs, collars, ruffly…
V335: eBay Find of the Year: Antique Button Boots…That FIT!
In my recent eBay haunting, I’ve collected a number of interesting items – a leather punch, a cast iron fluting iron, two early Victorian slippers, and a pair of Edwardian button boots.…
V334: My 2012 Costuming Year in Review
Several lovely costume bloggers are doing their years-in-review posts, and I thought I’d jump on board. I think it’s easy to forget just how much sewing we all do, over the course…
V333: Precious Things: Early 19th Century Slippers
I’ve been spending way too much time on eBay, building the American Duchess Historical Footwear collection … out of real historic footwear! My latest acquisitions … This single shoe is quite precious,…
V332: New Project: Giant “Green Acres” Bustle Gown
I am suffering from severe CADD (Costume A.D.D.) lately. My ’30s plaid Christmas dress sits on the mannequin, nearly complete, but with the arrival of a giant roll of green silk, new…
V331: Steampunkery at the Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade
This past Saturday our local Steampunk club, “High Desert Steam,” marched in the Sparks Hometowne Christmas Parade. There was a great turnout, complete with horses, dogs, armed children, the Urban Assault Vehicle,…
V330: Shoes to Get Excited About in 2013
Two thousand and twelve is drawing to a close, but that brings excitement for the coming year! I have already been designing and planning my little heart out, and researching the bazoozles…
V329: Inspiring 1930s Frocks
I admit, I haven’t been very good about my “Vintage365” blog-a-day. I’ve been fallin’ down on the job (but only because I’m so dang busy with everything else!). Anywho, I’m working on…
V328: Real Victorian & Edwardian Button Boots
Button boots are so cool. They were the height of style from the 1850s all the way to about 1918. The earliest button boots date all the way back to about 1808,…
V327: “Tavistock” Button Boots – Pre-Order Now Open
Go order yours at
V326: Elastic Goring in Victorian Footwear
Hello Lovelies! Today I’m going to tell you about the magical world of elastic, as used in Victorian footwear, one because it’s fascinating, but also because there have been some questions about…
V325: Introducing “Tavistock” Authentic Victorian Button Boots
…and it’s about time! I am so excited to finally be able to release for pre-order our first boot, and indeed the only completely authentic Victorian button boot available! Tavistock Victorian Button…
V324: December Call for Sponsors
Hello Ladies and Gents! Are you an up-and-coming small business that might benefit from advertising here on American Duchess? How about giving a nicely-placed banner ad a try here on the sidebar,…
V323: American Duchess Historical Holiday Gift Guide
Happy Holidays to all of you and yours! ‘Tis the season for jolly times, being thankful, and giving lovely gifts to your dear ones. Stumped on what to give to your historical…
V322: Another Day at Dickens Christmas Fair, San Francisco
I’m back from S.F. now, but here are some photos from our second day at Dickens… Maggie’s puffy puff-butt in the morning. I found this endlessly amusing. Maggie’s costume was divine –…