Chopines are so cool, especially when you compare them to the oh-so-modern heel-less shoes that are currently in fashion. I guess they’re not as modern as they think. 🙂 Via How do…
Victorian & Edwardian Stockings
Via – I’ll take any of these, please. Throughout history, people have worn some pretty spectacular hosiery. I’m tickled today when I see fantastic socks for sale (and I often buy them,…
Rat Rods & Rockabillies – Reno Rockabilly Riot
….that was a lot of ‘R’s, lol. This past weekend, my friend Stephanie and I visiting Reno Rockabilly Riot, a cute little event with a few vendors and a lot of cool…
Your Opinions Please – Fully Fashioned Stockings
Hi Ladies! Today I need your votes to help decide some things about the future line of vintage-style seamed stockings I’m working for the shop. Before you vote, here are some definitions:…
Curtain-Along Dress #2: 1790s
Last year, I joined Festive Attyre’s “Curtain-Along” sewing event, when I fell in love with the Waverly “Felicite” curtains from Lowes, and made my favorite dress ever, the 1780 Indienne Robe a…
Spring Sale – Pompadours & Imperfects on Sale
It’s the magical time of year when we make space in the garage-turned-warehouse, and have a big crackin’ sale! Pompadours are on clearance, to make room for the new version. We’ve also…
Mme Demorest’s Illustrated Portfolio of the Fashions for 1880
Last weekend a dear friend, Jenny, gave me an incredible gift – a complete pattern catalog from 1880. I’ve been studying it with great interest and costume lust, careful to keep the…
A Trip to Valhalla Renaissance Faire, 2013
This past weekend was one of many festivities, one of which was the annual visit to Valhalla, our most local Renfaire. Oh Renfaire, how I love thee. A day of utter silliness…
In Progress: Late 16th Century Doublet
Every once in awhile I go meandering off into other centuries. My love of costuming started with Elizabethan, and it is still a period I adore, though I seldom costume for it…
1790s Musings and Inspirations
I’m back to square one with what to wear to Maggie’s wedding in October. (Nevermind my own wedding, I’ve got that one figured out, haha) My ORANGE! sari dress just…no, so now…
New Historical Shoes Coming Soon from American Duchess
As I dig out from under the *piles* of boxes, here are some new shoes to entice you… “Tissot” 1860-1880 – great for Civil War, Natural Form, and Bustle Eras. This is…
Bastille Day Picnic Inspiration
Portrait of Madame Emilie Seriziat and her Son, 1795 I’ve been MIA lately due to moving, yay! But also nay! because all of my sewing stuff is in complete disarray. Still, there’s…
Our “Great Gatsby” Movie Meet-Up Party
So who went to see “The Great Gatsby” last night?! Our local costume club, Great Basin Costume Society, got together to watch the movie and enjoy some dessert afterward at a local…
“The Great Gatsby” 1920s Extravaganza (and SALE!)
Oh my goodness, Gatsby. Our little costuming club is dressing up for tomorrow’s opening night, and I can’t wait to sport my Unique Vintage beaded gown and black/gold sparkly 23Skidoos. I don’t…
Tavistock Button Boots Steampunk Photoshoot at the Sparks Museum
It’s been *ages* since Chris, Angie, and I did this Victorian / Steampunk photo shoot for Tavistock, featuring the “Green Acres” gown, and, of course, our new black button boots. I’ve been…
1959 Derby Day Dress – Simplicity 3063
Yesterday was our Great Basin Costume Society’s “Fancy Fillies Derby Day Tea,” where bunches of eccentric people got together, wore weird clothes, and watched some horse race… Hehe <3 The biggest hat…
LACMA Sacque-Ma: Operation Petti-Pouf
Thank you to everyone who left incredibly helpful comments on yesterday’s petticoat post. Last night I went for it with implementing each of the changes suggested, to see what effect they had.…
LACMA Sacque-ma: The Petticoat, and Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better
I spent this past weekend toiling on a “simple” petticoat for my first Robe a la Francaise ensemble, inspired by this gorgeous sacque in LACMA: I thought it would be a quick…
My 18th Century “Weddingote”
So….I’m gettin’ married. (Woohoo!!) I’ve been a bit buried in all things wedding, with an additional layer of all things shoes on top, and I realize I totally haven’t posted about this!…
White/Ivory 18th Century Gown Inspiraton
I just received 10 yards of delicious ivory silk taffeta, and I’m just *itching* to make something (or a lot of somethings) out of it. Of course I’m thinking along 18th century…