I finished my “Curtain-Along” dress in time to wear to Colonial Williamsburg, but it rained the day I had planned to wear it, and only donned it for a couple hours, so…
V292: American Duchess Autumn Sale! 10% Off Historical Shoes n’ Accessories
Celebrate this most lovely of seasons with us – gear up for Halloween, or even get a jump on your Holiday gift shopping. Visit www.american-duchess.com or click the image above to see…
V291: New Project: LACMA Sacque-ma
Well, it’s happened again. You will know what I speak of. I’ve bumped into a dress that I simply *must make.* It’s this one, from LACMA: LACMA Collections Online – Robe a…
V287: My 18th Century Pocket
So…I did make a pocket. It only took me 7 months to complete because of my intrepid laziness when it comes to hand embroidery. Luckily, flying on airplanes is a perfect time…
V285: Colonial Williamsburg Swag
We’re back from our Williamsburg-Monticello-Montepelier trip, and I’ve got swag to share with you. I mean…how can anyone historically-inclined go to these places *without* loading up on some of the awesome, exclusive…
V284: A Visit To Montpelier, Home of James and Dolley Madison
Today we visited the gorgeous home of James and Dolley Madison, Montpelier. It differed greatly from Monticello, in grounds as well as architecture, though Jefferson had a hand in the final Madison…
V283: Visiting Monticello
Today we took a little trip up to Monticello, the gorgeous, stunning, incredible home of Thomas Jefferson. No photos were allowed inside the house, which means you shall all have to go…
V282: The DeWitt Museum at Colonial Williamsburg
Today was another rainy, soggy, cold day in Colonial Williamsburg, so we checked out of our hotel and went for an inside-activity, touring the fascinating displays of 18th century furniture, arms, ceramics,…
V281: Rainy Sunday in Colonial Williamsburg
Today, our second day in Colonial Williamsburg, is rainy and cold. On top of that, I’ve got a cold myself, so getting up and out in costume was a little more delayed…
V280: Our First Day in Colonial Williamsburg
Carriage tour in the morning Today my mumsies and I enjoyed our first full day in the 18th century, touring the Governor’s Palace, poking our heads in shops, taking a carriage ride,…
V277: Working With Ostrich Feathers: Plumes, Drabs, and Spads
Today I would like to share my experiences with ostriches. … or… at least their feathers. Ostrich feathers are not as straight-forward as one would think. There are three different types of…
V272: Finished Indienne Print Curtain Gown, 1780
Finally I’ve got all the little bits n’ bobs complete on my Indienne print Curtain-Along dress, and just in time too – we leave for Colonial Williamsburg this coming Wednesday! I’m very…
V270: The “Robe Royaliste” at Nevada Museum of Art
Last night I had another opportunity to model for the costume painting class at the Nevada Museum of Art. I wore my new “Robe Royaliste,” a dress I made, erm, a couple…
V269: A Baby Neckerchief from a Baby Gown
I’m a sucker for fancy embroideries, but I just plain suck at doing them myself, so I look for textiles that already have nice embroideries on them. A tantalizing source is old…
V262: Progress on the “Curtain-Along” 1780s Indienne Gown
So far so good – and sleeves that FIT! This project might have been quick if I hadn’t spend whole chunks of days not doing a darn thing. At least when I…
V261: American Duchess For The Cure – Fundraising For Breast Cancer Research
Hi all! Did you know it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Many of us have been through or have loved ones who have battled breast cancer, myself included. To help raise money for…
V260: Tasty 18th Century Pomatum For Your Hair
“Maybe she’s born with it…maybe it’s beef grease pomatum.” 1775 (Reynolds) Jane detail This year at Costume College, I attended a wonderful class given by Kendra of Demode, on the social history…
V259: Starting on the Snowshill 1730-50 Riding Habit
You know when you have tons of stuff to get done for a major costume event or trip, and yet Costume ADD strikes and despite being ridiculously short on time, you simply…
V255: The Festive Attyre 18th Century Curtain-Along
I was so tickled to see that the wonderful Jen, of Festive Attyre, has started an international sewing “curtain-along,” for everyone who is making an 18th century something-or-other from any of the…
V254: Fitting Mom's JP Ryan Jacket(s)
JP Ryan Jacket in progress Today my lovely Lady Mother came over for help fitting sleevils into two of her Colonial Williamsburg pieces – both swallow-tailed jackets, in different materials, using the…