Yesterday I received a wonderful gift from Beth – four gorgeous vintage sewing patterns!

I looooove vintage patterns. There is something about them that just makes sewing with one a real treat, even if I always have to adjust for a size or two up. Luckily, a great many 1950s and 60s patterns are so simply drafted that it is easy to scale them.

Thank you Beth!! These are gorgeous!
I am also selling some vintage patterns on eBay. I bought a bag of 40-some-odd awhile back, and kept about half of them, but there are quite a few that I would like to offer for sale. Most of them are vintage size 12, some smaller, some larger.

I’ve started them at super-low prices on the auctions, so if you’re looking for a steal, check these out – my store is HERE.
June 21, 2012 at 1:33 AMHeehee, they look way better in your photos than they did sitting in my garage! And don't feel obligated to keep them – I'm just trying to pass things along to the right home. 🙂
Katrina - Edelweiss Patterns
June 25, 2012 at 4:07 AMWow!! That's quite a present! There's nothing quite as exciting as an antique 1950s pattern.
Thanks for sharing these photos!
Happy sewing,