I have a house full of people here for The Wedding, so forgive me for being quite absent. It’s all a bit mad here! So in honor of the Historical Sew Fortnightly…
Loose and Lovely 1790s Locks
Costume College is fast approaching, and while I think I’ve burnt out on trying to get everything done, I *did* fully finish the 1790s Chintz gown. When I started this blog several…
1790s Chintz Gown – The Home Stretch
It’s that time of year – that special time just before That Big Annual Costume Event when the mad “must-get-it-all-done!” sewing commences. I wonder why I do this to myself: I…
1790s Chintz Gown – More Fiddling
I’ve been stitching along on this 1790s chintz gown, little by little, fiddle by fiddle. My apologies for these terrible photos – someday I will find my camera’s battery charger and stop…
1790s Chintz Gown – In Progress
A few days back I got the bee in my bonnet to start sewing on this 1790s chintz gown, inspired by the Museum of London gown everyone loves so much: Museum of…
Curtain-Along Dress #2: 1790s
Last year, I joined Festive Attyre’s “Curtain-Along” sewing event, when I fell in love with the Waverly “Felicite” curtains from Lowes, and made my favorite dress ever, the 1780 Indienne Robe a…
1790s Musings and Inspirations
I’m back to square one with what to wear to Maggie’s wedding in October. (Nevermind my own wedding, I’ve got that one figured out, haha) My ORANGE! sari dress just…no, so now…
The Many Types of 18th Century Gowns
I realized today with the 18th century gowns I have made I have only scratched the surface of how many different types there were. It’s easy to fall into the idea that…
V317: 1740s Riding Habit – Nearly There!
Yesterday I made the petticoat and set the sleeves on the riding habit jacket. The petticoat is worn over panniers. I don’t have very big ones, but I wanted to try the…
V315: 1740s Riding Habit Progress…Again
I’m motoring along on this project as fast as I can. I have little time to spare and too much to do to complete it in time for this coming Monday’s holiday…
V313: 1740s Riding Habit Set-Backs
Ever have one of those days where every bit of sewing you do has to be undone? As it turns out, my wrapped and couched buttonholes *looked* nice, but didn’t hold up…
V312: My Attempt at 1740s Wrapped Buttonholes
Thanks to the fabulous Hallie Larkin, over at Sign of the Golden Scissors, I’ve worked up enough courage to try wrapped buttonholes for my Snowshill riding habit jacket. The originals were pieces…
V310: Progress on the 1740s Snowshill Habit
I *have* been sewing – deadlines and reasons to rush and all that. I’ve made a little progress on the 1740s Habit I planned for some time ago, but it’s slow going.…
V280: Our First Day in Colonial Williamsburg
Carriage tour in the morning Today my mumsies and I enjoyed our first full day in the 18th century, touring the Governor’s Palace, poking our heads in shops, taking a carriage ride,…
V262: Progress on the “Curtain-Along” 1780s Indienne Gown
So far so good – and sleeves that FIT! This project might have been quick if I hadn’t spend whole chunks of days not doing a darn thing. At least when I…
V251: Starting the Indienne Gown, 1780s
With only about a month left until we leave for Williamsburg, I have rather a lot of sewing to do! I was giddy when I found this Indienne print cotton at Lowe’s,…
V250: Finished 1770s Parisian Chapeau
Awhile ago I posted a little page of sketches for a late 1770s hat to go with my striped “Parisian Gown.” I went out and bought all the materials for it, but…
V247: Making a 1790s Gainsborough Hat
Yesterday I made a Gainsborough hat to go with the new purple 1790s “Robe Royaliste”. I researched many a fine fashion plate from Dames a la Mode, and raided the craft store…
V245: Floral Gowns of the 1770s (and a little 1780s too)
Met – 1770s-80s gown, remodeled from c. 1740s silk Happy Saturday! Chris and I have been working overtime packing up Pompadours and white Kensingtons to ship out, so I’m a bit fried,…
V242: 1790s Robe Royaliste: Almost Done!
I had intended to bust out this giant purple chemise style gown quickly, but then between being mad sick and then lazy, it’s taken me *this* long to get it done! Needs…