I finally finished the 1790s wrap-front gown I’ve been working on foreeeeever. I will be wearing this gown, plus its accompanying accessories – pashmina, pineapple reticule, and Pemberley 1790s Regency shoes –…
1790s Wrap-Front Gown … Finally Again
You know those projects that get postponed, only to pop back into your life and demand to be finished? This 1790s voile gown is one of them. I originally intended to wear…
1780s Green Half-Boned Stays Finally Completed
I went ahead and finished these, even though I will never wear them. I originally started these for The Revolution Dress, but I cut them too short for my long waist, so…
Shoes of the 1790s and Regency
Most likely late 1790s. https://blog.americanduchess.com/2007/04/shoes.html Those of you who have been following the development of my historical footwear line will know that we have plans for a Regency era slipper. This begs…
1790s Wrap-Front Gown – More Progress
The front crossing. The ties will meet with as-yet-existent ties on the sides. I love the adjustability of the drawstring, too…one can go from modest lady to regency floozy in seconds! I…
1780s Half-Boned Stays
Finished – they close edge-to-edge across my bust, but I also like them open like this – more thrust! See the difference in shape between these and Olympe’s? In my recent obsession…
How To Make An 18th Century Petticoat
/Update: This tutorial is getting quite old! While it’s still a goodie, for a more in-depth look at how to make an 18th century petticoat stitch-by-stitch in the historically accurate 18th century…
Costume Analytics: 1780s Casaquin Jacket
This week on Costume Analytics we are taking a look at an extant garment from the 1780s. This little jacket is known as a “casaquin,” a short jacket usually pleated at the…
How To Make 18th c. Cockades
by Lauren Reeser Cockades are so cool. They add so much interest and texture to a hat, pinned to a jacket, even tied onto your shoes. So here’s how to make them……
Button, Button – Who’s Got the Button?
by Dana Reeser Or more correctly, who made the button? Lil’ Duchie never played “button button” so she didn’t get the reference, but this is Lil’ Duchie’s Lady Mother writing to you…
:Ubersexlich 18th c. Men’s Suit – More Progress…Again…
Please excuse the messiness of my room! More progress on James’ velvet and brocade suit. The linings are being hand-stitched in and pleats adjusted…and….and…. The right side in this photo still needs…
:Ubersexlich – Progres on Le Suit
Progress on James’ 18th c. suit. Actually, lots of progress, but on things that just aren’t things you take pictures of for your blog: black buttonholes on black fabric, interior linings sewn…
:Ubersexlich Breeches – James’ 18th c. Suit
Do you know how uninteresting and even weird pictures of pants are? You can’t put them on a dress form…they look odd on the hanger…the best I could do was to put…
:Ubersexlich – James’ 18th c. Suit – Progress
Photos at last of progress on “The Suit.” I’ve been working on the waistcoat, which to be honest is not at all interesting to look at right now. It wants for buttons…
1770s Hair Help From the Interwebs
The Dreamstress is seeking advice for big 1770s style hair. I haven’t done a wig in this style yet, but I did find this video tutorial not only extremely well-done, but very…
Ubersexlich…Proof of Life
Proof of my exploits as a hired seamster. That’s a LOT of trim, and it’s not even a quarter of it. There will, of course be more…everywhere…down the front edges, up the…
Trim-Laden Teaser
Oh Duchess, you’re SUCH a tease! The collar of James’ frock coat, trimmed out,ready to be stitched to the body of the coat. Whee!
Early Christmas Gifts, Ubersexlich, All Manner of Update…
It’s been a crazy mid-month, and here’s hoping things calm down. Lots of happenings and announcements and other zaniness ahead… First Up – Pogey Bait! Nicole, herself a fantastic seamstress and wonderful…
Apocalyptic Costuming and Life
Sometimes things just don’t work out. Sometimes NOTHING works out. This makes me very grumpy. Dickens Day Dress? No. New Car? No. Sick dog? Yes. Men’s Breeches Toile for James’ 18th c.…
The Great 1840s Madness, and Some 18th c. Toile-ing
It feels fantastic to be sewing again, and to be sewing on a tight deadline. I believe in the power of tight deadlines to keep us excited about a project, make us…