Time to be creative! While we wait for updates to the new American Duchess 18th c. Shoes, I thought it’d be fun to draw up a little template that you guys can…
How To Make An 18th Century Petticoat
/Update: This tutorial is getting quite old! While it’s still a goodie, for a more in-depth look at how to make an 18th century petticoat stitch-by-stitch in the historically accurate 18th century…
New American Duchess Designs on Garmz.com
Hi all! I’m happy to report that the “October Foxhunt” jacket I designed and uploaded to Garmz.com has sold out! Yay! Of course, I’d love to have another design produced by them,…
My Pet (en l’air) Project – Progress
After fiddlage and fussling (technical terms), I think I’ve got this pet en l’air working. I apologize for the lack of in-progress photos (new camera comes tomorrow!), but I will show you…
Costume Analytics: 1784 Robe a l’Anglaise, from The Met
1784 Robe a l’Anglaise, from the Met It’s about time for a new Costume Analytics! I’ve been so tied up with shoes, and museums, and sewing stuff, that I’ve neglected CA and…
Museum Photos and Taking Photos in Museums – Copyright, Fair Use, Public Domain
You, Queenie, are in the Public Domain Today I went for another fascinating lecture at the Marjorie Russel Textile Museum in Carson City, NV, where I had the pleasure of looking at…
18th c. Shoes: The Evolution of Our Heels
I have been itching to update you with how things are going on the prototyping of the new American Duchess 18th century shoes. I haven’t done so because there has been a…
My First Pet … en l’Air – Toiling Around.
For some reason I decided a little while ago that I actually like Pet en l’Air jackets. I never cared much for them before, but I suppose that little green and orange…
18th c. Shoes: Why Silk Fabric and not Leather?
For those of you following along with the American Duchess 18th c. shoes that are currently being developed, you may be wondering why I’ve decided to make them out of silk instead…
Regency Wardrobe Planning for the Jane Austen Festival, July 2011
My but don’t I have a lot of work to do. My best friend Maggie moved to Tennessee this past December, and has already been enjoying the wonderful Regency era re-enactments and…
Extant 18th c. Stays from the Marjorie Russell Clothing and Textile Museum, Nevada
A little while ago I attended a fascinating lecture on underwear through the ages, presented by Jan the Costume Anthropologist at the Marjorie Russell Clothing and Textile Research Center. While this small…
Porcelain Dogs, Silver Pheasants, Salt & Peppers – Vintage Lovelies New in the Boutique
I went antiquing today, and came back with a few lovely things I’d like to share with you. These are all listed in the American Duchess Boutique on Etsy (click here). Tweet…
Costumers and Costume Bloggers: Abby Needs Your Help!
Abby from Stay-ing Alive would love your help in filling out a survey about costuming, blogging, and costume blogging. It’s an in-depth survey that will provide her vital information for a paper…
Magazine Treasures of 1916
Recently I lucked into the acquisition of real honest-to-goodness primary source material, courtesy of an old friend of mine from high school, Corinne. Her dear mother was getting rid of a large…
“October Foxhunt” 18th c. Inspired Coat – now on a person (me!)
Okay, that was maybe a cheesy title, but I just wanted to share with you my excitement about the coat that arrived over the weekend. This is the coat I designed and…
A Few of my Favorite [Vintage] Things … in Ye Merry Old Etsy Shoppe
I’ve finally gotten to the cleaning, the polishing, the brushing, the matting, and the photographing of a handful of new vintage products that are now listed in the American Duchess Boutique on…
Name Those Shoes! (please vote!)
From the Bata Shoe Museum It’s time to play… Name Those Shoes! With the new 18th century shoe prototype expected by the end of January, we need to find a proper, pretty…
All That Glitters: White, Light, and Bright Gowns in the Past
1784 Robe a l’Anglaise (source? is this The Met?) In my travels around the Land of the Internet lately I have noticed countless white (or some version thereof, like creme, or ecru)…
Olympe’s Stays – More Progress
Not too much exciting to show you, just some progress on Olympe’s creme and goldenrod stays. Both sides are fully boned, with the grommets punched into the fronts, backs, and strap attachments…
18th c. Shoes: A Bit About Heels
From the Met – early 18th c. These are men’s shoes, although it’s difficult to tell Maddalena asks: Is it true that the king used to wear red heels to distinguish from…