Hi all! Did you know it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Many of us have been through or have loved ones who have battled breast cancer, myself included. To help raise money for…
V256: My First Shoe
No, this isn’t about baby shoes, but the first shoe I ever designed and made (with my own bare hands!), back in 2001, in my first university art class, Art 100, taught…
V252: Midnight Vintage Shoe Finds on Etsy
Nothing teaches one the construction and detailing of a vintage or antique shoes as, well, an actual vintage or antique shoe. I was thrilled to find quite a few shoes on Etsy…
V243: Pompadour Heels At Last
I’m really excited to finally be taking delivery of the Pompadour heels tomorrow. They’ve cleared customs and are truckin’ their way over the Sierras this evening. To celebrate, here are some extant…
V236: Please Vote – What’s Your Favorite 1920s Spectator?
Spectator shoes are so cool, don’t you think? I want to add a 1920s t-strap spectator to the Historical Footwear collection next year -called “23Skidoo” – but what color style do you…
V235: Pompadours and Kensingtons are On Their Way
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what’s now making its way across the Pacific to our warehouse… White Pompadours, and more Red Kensingtons White Kensingtons Happy days! We’ll have black and white Pomps,…
V234: What Kind of Heel Is That? A Quick Guide to Historical Shoe Heels
Following yesterday’s post about why we no longer have proper French heels on shoes, I thought it would be good to add to and define some of the terminology, and create a…
V233: The Death of the French Heel
VandA, 1760-70 Why don’t we have killer French heels, the likes of which were *the* heel style for hundreds of years, on shoes these days? Where did they go? Are they just…
V228: New “Valois” Shoe Buckles
Finally, after forever in development, we’ve got the Valois buckles for your Kensington shoes. Chris is doing official product photos right now, so here’s a preview of how the new buckles look…
V220: The Parisian Gown – Finished!
Despite all the trouble this gown gave me, I’m so happy with how it turned out! I certainly learned many a lesson about fabric choice, sleeve construction, and general patterning. I’m ready…
V214: 18th Century Silk Clocked Stockings Now on Pre-Order
Okay, ladies (and gents too), it’s finally time. The new clocked stockings I’ve been working on are finally available to order. Purchase yours at www.american-duchess.com . White silk stockings with black clocks,…
V206: Please Vote – What Is The Circumference of Your Calf?
Why am I asking this? Well, I’d like to learn the average calf size of you lovely ladies interested in purchasing Tavistock button boots, and other future boot styles. I want to…
V199: Georgian Man Candy
Oh, I know you’re disappointed this post isn’t about sexy, be-wigged gentlemen on the 18th century. It’s about the kind of bling a man would have worn on his shoes (shoes, of…
V196: Bastille Day Sale, July 14-15 – Vive La France!
Today and tomorrow, all 18th century items in the American-Duchess.com shop are on sale for 25% off. That includes Pompadours, Kensingtons, and Pemberlies, as well as Fleur and Dauphine shoe buckles. Visit…
V173: New “Coming Soon” Historical Accessories to Get Excited About
I can’t help it – I get excited about new products I’m working on, and I want to share them with you! There are cool things in the works. I have dreams…
V170: What Is Inside an American Duchess Shoe?
All this mess makes up one Astoria shoe Hi Ladies! Today I’d like to show you just what makes up a pair of American Duchess shoes. It’s good to know what you’re…
V164: Vintage Shoe Ads of 1939-1941
Oh how I love shoes, particularly vintage 20th century shoes. They make me swoon! Some of you already know I’m working on a couple 1920s and 30s designs for next year’s American…
V157: Opinions Please – Mid-Victorian Shoe Survey
Hi Ladies! It’s market research time once again, and your invaluable opinions are needed to help us decide on a mid-Victorian style of shoe, for next year’s historical footwear lineup. Please answer…
V145: Costume Analytics: Madame de Pompadour, c. 1750
It’s been a long time since I’ve done a “Costume Analytics,” but now is a good time to bring it back! This time we’ll be looking at the famous Madame de Pompadour’s…
V144: Pompadour Shoes Giveaway Winner – Gwenyver
Wow! You guys entered the Pompadour French Court Heels giveaway 335 times! …but there could only be one winner. Selected by Random Number Generator, at Random.org, the winner is… Gwenyver! Gwenyver, I…