I’ve been a bit quiet lately, but it’s because we’ve been planning some really…*really*… cool stuff for you guys, and working on a video to explain it all. I’ll let you watch…
“Seabury” Edwardian Shoes – Pre-Order Now Open
Thank you to everyone who participated in the “Seabury” Flash Sale on Facebook. That’s over now, and it’s time for our regular website pre-order. So without further ado, “Seabury” in black and…
Introducing “Seabury” Edwardian Shoes by The Newport Historical Society
Newport Historical Society “Seabury” Edwardian shoes, by American Duchess Today we’re excited to finally introduce “Seabury,” a gorgeous new reproduction Edwardian from the Newport Historical Society, Rhode Island. Back in April, Elizabeth…
Behind the Scenes Tour of American Duchess, Inc.
Many of you have asked to see “behind the scenes” of our little shoe company, so I made a video to show you ….. you’ve been warned! I hope you enjoy it.…
WINNER! “Virginia” Shoes Giveaway
Thank you all so much for participating in the “Virginia” Renaissance Shoes giveaway! There were gobs and gobs of entries, but alas there can only be one winner. And the winner is……
Oh What a Beautiful Mourning – “Death Becomes Her” at the Met, Opening October 31
On the evening of October 31, a somber shadow shall fall over the halls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute. For the first time in 15 years, the Costume Institute…
How and Why I Make Historical Shoes
“Stratford” Elizabethan Shoes – a collaboration by historical cordwainer Francis Classe and American Duchess I realize lately that many of you may not know my story of how I got into making…
“Virginia” Renaissance Shoes GIVEAWAY!
Today’s the day, my darling dears – “Virginia,” our new Renaissance shoe, has opened for pre-order, which also means it’s giveaway time! Here’s the lo-down on Virginia: All-leather construction: upper, lining, sole…
How One Fugly Loafer Became the Gorgeous “Virginia” Renaissance Shoe
The development story of our new “Virginia” Renaissance shoes is rather a long one (but I’ll keep it short, with lots of pictures, promise!). We’ve been working on the design since March,…
A Quick Look At Late Elizabethan/Early Jacobean Shoes
Today we kick off a series on European footwear at the end of Elizabeth I’s reign, and beginning of James I’s, culminating on Friday with the pre-order release of our latest early-period…
Regency Styles I Actually Like
…because I don’t have quite enough on my mind right now! I will admit I’m not a big fan of the Regency, on me. I love it on others – Maggie of…
Red Russian Doll Coat, Now Looking Like A Coat
Wow this project is kicking my buns … but in a good way! With the help of many books, not least of all Vogue Sewing, I’ve been trying some tailoring techniques, some…
Fall/Winter Shoes Sneak Peek
Or… “A Monday in the Life of American Duchess.” Here’s a quick snap of my sewing worktable today. Not much sewing going on, as you can see! These are the samples for…
Embroidered Stomachers of the early 18th Century
Every once in awhile I do some handiwork that I’m then very proud of later, and always glad I took on. Last time, it was an embroidered 18th century pocket, and this…
Plannings For A 1740s Scottish Ensemble
I do love me some OL and the show’s been inspiring some Scottish-themed ideas, especially since I “rediscovered” a gorgeous tartan skirt that’s been lurking in my closet the last 11 years,…
Civil War Gown Inspiration and Plannings
…oh yes, *plannings* ! I have terrible Costume A-D-D at the moment. Terrible. One of the many things I want to make *right now* is a new Civil War gown. I can’t…
My 2014 Steampunk Ball Costume – Complete!
So the ball was ages ago, but I didn’t have a good photo of my whole costume until today. As it stands, you can’t see much detail in this, but I didn’t…
1919 “Red Russian Doll” Coat Progress
It’s looking like a coat! The belt around the middle is just there for mocking up, and is tighter than the final belt will be. Things are going together really quite well…
F/W Shoes: Re-Pre-Orders Now Open
It’s that time of year, when we here at ADHQ are already getting ready for the big holiday rush. No, I’m not playing Christmas music or slurping down eggnog lattes quite yet,…
New Project! Russian-Inspired Late Edwardian Suit
It feels like it’s been ages since I embarked on a complex historical project, but with Winter coming, and photo shoots needing shooting, it’s time to start (yes, already!) on a project…