Shoe clips are the best things ever. I’ll just come right out and say it. Shoe clips allow you to drastically change the look of a single pair of shoes, just by…
How to Coffee or Tea Stain Your American Duchess Silk Shoes
Miss Sharon asked me the other night about tea staining her silk Georgiana 18th century shoes. She was reluctant to do it, so I embarked on that journey on her behalf, and…
CyberMonday SALE Today
(click the banner, or click here)
“Pemberley” Regency Shoe Pre-Sale OPEN + Giveaway!
Go forth, merry historical holiday shoppers, and order a pair of Pemberlies, the perfect Regency shoe, for your Jane Austen-obsessed love one, or treat yourself! Pre-Order Now November 25 – December 9…
Regency Foot Candy
For those of you stateside, Happy Thanksgiving! Since I know the lot of you are nomming turkey and accompanying side dishes, I will be short and provide you with some more Regency…
A Visit to Historic Locust Grove, 1790
It was raining this day, but the house was no less beautiful. This is actually the rear of the house, with a reconstructed porch. The last day of my Tennessee trip, Mr.…
A Visit to The Hermitage and Union Station – Tennessee
During my visit to Tennessee, Maggie and I visited The Hermitage, the stately home of President Andrew Jackson. Via I was overwhelmed with awesome, and my only regret is not visiting in…
How to Tie a Regency Turban
You know those mysterious costuming mysteries that sometimes plague us? How to tie a turban is one of them. If you are practically hair-less like me, a quick and easy head-wrap is…
Regency Tea and Country Dance Masquerade, Tennessee
Burdett’s Tea Shop was a delightful, old-fashioned place in Springfield, TN. It was absolutely packed with lil’-ole-ladies who took great delight in our party when we arrived. I’ve been in Tennessee this…
1790s Wrap-Front Gown, Complete and with Shoes
I finally finished the 1790s wrap-front gown I’ve been working on foreeeeever. I will be wearing this gown, plus its accompanying accessories – pashmina, pineapple reticule, and Pemberley 1790s Regency shoes –…
Shoe-To-Do of the Week: Blue and White Flowery Bits
This week I painted up a pair of Devonshires inspired by an extant pair held in Manchester City Galleries. I used Angelus Leather paints to color the latchets and heel blue, and…
Introducing “Pemberley,” Regency Shoe, 1790-1810
I’ve been waiting so long to show you all the new Regency shoe! The “Pemberley” has been in development since Summer, and I am pleased to present her to you now: The…
1920s Flapper Hairstyle Tutorial + Halloween Speakeasy Party
This past weekend we attended a speakeasy/housewarming party for friends who have just bought a 1920s home. This presented the perfect opportunity to practice more vintage hairstyling techniques, which I will share…
New Vintage Toy – Brownie Camera, 1946
This past weekend in Alameda, I couldn’t resist visiting one of my favorite antiques shops, where I found this Kodak Brownie camera for $25. It’s a Brownie Target Six-20, made in 1946.…
Madame X at Halloween Gaskells Victorian Ball
This weekend I went to visit friends and dance the night away at Gaskells, one of the most epic Victorian dance events in the West. I took Madame X with me, and…
Shoe-How-To of the Week: Pretty Pretty Pink Princess Shoes
One of the coolest things about the Devonshire leather 18th century shoes is that you can paint them and decorate them easily, using leather paints, rhinestones, bias binding, trims, lace, anything really.…
Shoe Shop Discounts – Opinion Please!
I love coupons, discounts, sales, and promotion, don’t you? We here at the Shoe Shop HQ are trying to decide which you would prefer. Please give us your opinion…. <a href=””>Which Awesome…
A 1908 Evening Gown, Beginnings
A little while ago I decided to try a gown from a period I love but have never sewn for, the Edwardian Era. I flipped through my “Costume in Detail” book, admiring…
What Makes a Historically Accurate Regency Shoe?
The Met: 1790-1810. Before I got into making historical shoes for costumers and reenactors, I spent a lot of time looking for modern shoes that would “make do.” I did things like…
FREE SHIPPING on Shoes and Etsy Goodies!
To celebrate the American Duchess facebook fan page collecting 2,000 followers, we’re offering FREE Domestic Shipping on, well, EVERYTHING! Get free domestic shipping on shoe and buckle orders at . Also, international…