There’s just WAY too much on the to-do list, and it gets worse every time I post a “costume analytics,” but here’s what in the immediate-right-now future: 1795 Open Robe 1795 Janet…
American Duchess “October Foxhunt” Winter Coat Official Release!!!
(Click the photo here for more views of the coat) Remember back when I was begging you guys to vote on some clothing designs on a website called Well one of…
‘Tis The {Start of} The Season
In honor of the snow, the cold, and having bested Turkey Day, I’ve switched it up here to a festive holiday theme, and to celebrate, enjoy this obnoxious and yet stunning 1871…
Costume Modeling at the Nevada Museum of Art
I was very lucky to be invited to model my latest 18th c. outfit for a painting and drawing class at the Nevada Museum of Art, thanks to Lady Carolyn, who recommended…
Birthday Bait – Books, Teacups, and Lady Grey
Sometime last weekend I turned Older. Luckily this aging was softened by fabulous gifties! I am no longer a “one book wonder!” (well, to be fair, I previously had, like, two books…
Planned Projects for My 18th c. Ladies
What’s in the works here at American Duchess? KCI’s embroidered voile Regency gown, plus Janet Arnold’s open robe, done up in gleeming red taffeta. Deadline for this is December 18th, so the…
Gertie’s New Blog for Better Sewing = Tailoring Magic for the 18th c. Costumer
Do you guys know about Gertie’s? I don’t remember how I found this blog, but it’s absolutely fantastic. She is doing a “sew along” on a retro-style winter coat, and each post…
American Duchess Designs on
Special thanks to Lady Carolyn Runnells, who sent me a link to this snazzy new website, called, I think you should *all* take a look at. It’s a website for clothing…
Happy Friday
Happy Friday to my international sewing, seamstering, and seriously silly pals! And if it’s not Friday where you are anymore, then happy Saturday. Either way, have a cupcake :-).
Mad Miss L
Today, a fellow member of the Great Basin Costume Society, Stacy Ferguson-Standstedt, GAVE me a handmade, home-made vintage dress her grandmother made waaaay back in I’m guessing the 1950s, by the looks…
SideProject: The Worst Little 1920s Slip Around
This Sunday is the highly anticipated Gatsby picnic at Lake Tahoe, and I’ve got a GREAT vintage dress to wear. Of course, it’s transparent, so I had to make a slip to…
Happy Independence Day … Yesterday
Happy 4th of July – Independence Day – America-is-so-cool-and-I-love-it! Day, from American Duchess 🙂 We had a bbq, not in costume, but there were dogs (no photos, though!). Now get back to…
Trinkets On My Vanity
I’ve been getting more and more enthralled with the “manual” function on my camera, and I’m really starting to learn how to, y’know, use it. I’ve been taking pictures of everything! I…
Yay! Versatile Blogger Award!
Comtesse Olympe De La Tour d’Auvergne, whom due to that length of name hurting my head we shall refer to henceforth as The Comtesse, has awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award, yay!…
I Had To Post This…
Er, this is just…yeah, couldn’t pass it up. And the collies!? Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Tiny Announcement a la Etsy
Ladies, I’m just posting this snippet to let you know that I will be selling off a handful of my past costumes, starting with these two. They are listed in the American…
Hey, Whatever Happened To…[1840s-50s-whatever dress]
It’s one of the many other things I haven’t been showing you. It’s not the Baroque gown, I know, but I had to get this one done for events tomorrow! Don’t hurt…
“Velvet Revolution” New TShirt Release
Shocking though it may be, this is what I look like “normally,” not wearing a costume. Boring, right? I know you are all chomping at the bit for updates to the Baroque…
What I Haven’t Been Showing You…
Sometimes we seamsters embark upon a project with such gusto that we forget to photograph and post about it. Mostly this happens when there is very little time in which to complete…
Depressionista’s Guide to Cheap Frenchie Decorating
A bit about myself: I live in a three bedroom apartment in a town you’ve never heard of, next to a city you don’t really want to visit. I’ve lived here for…