My True Love Gave to Me…. I hope you like these little doodles I’ve been doing. I’ve been enjoying painting them, although I’m getting a little worried for the 8 maids and…
On the Second Day of Christmas…
My True Love Gave to Me … Only 11 days now until Christmas!
On the First Day of Christmas…
…my True Love Gave to Me… Just 12 days until Christmas! USA – order your in-stock Historical Shoes and Accessories gifts by December 21st to have them before Christmas!
It’s “Boardwalk” Sunday!
A photo of the original Boardwalk – older then the 1920s, but you get the idea I love Sunday. Sunday is the day of period dramas … Pan Am, Downton Abbey, and…
The Charleston. I Must Dance The Charleston
Who here is obsessed with the 1920s? /raises hand I don’t even know why, but over the years I’ve become more and more enchanted with the Jazz Age. My initial reaction to…
Georgian Shoe Buckles- WINNER
Out of 43 entries, the winner of the 18th century Shoe Buckles IS….. Lucinda Brant! Lucinda, please contact me at [email protected] to claim your pretty, sparkly prize! Congratulations! Didn’t win the buckles?…
Ready For the Holidays?
Hi All, I’m writing to you with a couple announcements: Today is the last day to pre-order Pemberley Regency Shoes, for the special $80 price. We’ve sold enough to make the order,…
A Regency Gown Remodel
When I was in Tennessee, Maggie gave me one of her Regency gowns, to wear to tea…and then gave me the gown altogether. *bliss!* Maggie and me at Tea. This is the…
Historical Shoes Holiday Wish Cards
Do you wish for a pair of American Duchess shoes for the holidays? Print one of these lovely “Holiday Wish” cards to deliver to your holiday honey: Download the Pemberley Holiday Wish…
Georgian Shoe Buckles – GIVEAWAY!
As you know, we just released two styles of reproduction 18th century shoe buckles in the American Duchess Shop, so that means it’s time for a giveaway! again! Here’s the prize: Closely…
Reproduction 18th Century Shoe Buckles – NEW in the shop!
“Fleur” from American Duchess – available now How the heck do you keep 18th century latchet shoes closed? Why, buckles, of course! …but not just any buckles, as I learned. Shoe buckles…
Pemberley Regency Shoe GiveAway WINNER
Out of a whopping 85 entries, the winner is…… DebsAttic ! If you are the lady known as “DebsAttic” please e-mail me: [email protected] Thank you all for playing your chances in this…
Silly Little Pemberley Video – Enjoy!
Please share if you like, and help us reach enough orders to run this cute style of historical shoe!
Shoe Clips – Endless Possibilities for Historical Shoes
Shoe clips are the best things ever. I’ll just come right out and say it. Shoe clips allow you to drastically change the look of a single pair of shoes, just by…
How to Coffee or Tea Stain Your American Duchess Silk Shoes
Miss Sharon asked me the other night about tea staining her silk Georgiana 18th century shoes. She was reluctant to do it, so I embarked on that journey on her behalf, and…
CyberMonday SALE Today
(click the banner, or click here)
“Pemberley” Regency Shoe Pre-Sale OPEN + Giveaway!
Go forth, merry historical holiday shoppers, and order a pair of Pemberlies, the perfect Regency shoe, for your Jane Austen-obsessed love one, or treat yourself! Pre-Order Now November 25 – December 9…
Regency Foot Candy
For those of you stateside, Happy Thanksgiving! Since I know the lot of you are nomming turkey and accompanying side dishes, I will be short and provide you with some more Regency…
A Visit to Historic Locust Grove, 1790
It was raining this day, but the house was no less beautiful. This is actually the rear of the house, with a reconstructed porch. The last day of my Tennessee trip, Mr.…
A Visit to The Hermitage and Union Station – Tennessee
During my visit to Tennessee, Maggie and I visited The Hermitage, the stately home of President Andrew Jackson. Via I was overwhelmed with awesome, and my only regret is not visiting in…