Met It’s Superbowl Sunday here in America Land. I don’t follow football, so I’ll be burying myself in the sewing loft and trying to accomplish something on the 1912 Titanic gown. Yesterday…
V35: Starting on Fabric Stamping for Colonial Williamsburg
Yesterday I thought I’d try my hand at stamping the linen/cotton I bought for one of my Colonial Williamsburg jackets. I don’t have a ginormous fabric stretcher thing, so I smoothed the…
V34: Last Day to Pre-Order Astoria Edwardian Shoes
Okay, Ladies, today is the last day to pre-order Astoria Edwardian shoes for the special $110 price. The Astorias have done super awesome, and both the ivory and black colors are going…
V33: Only Death and Taxes, in the 18th century
I have done absolutely nothing costume-related in the past couple of days, and that is because I’ve started my 2011 taxes. /groan. ‘Course, taxes in the 18th century were a big deal…
V32: Guest Post @ The Dreamstress, and Pierrot Jackets
One of my favorite pierrots – from The Met Today I am a guest blogger for The Dreamstress. I wrote a little article about Pierrot jackets, one of my favorite styles of…
V31: Book Review: “18th Century Embroidery Techniques” by Gail Marsh
18th Century Embroidery Techniques Gail Marsh (c) 2006 by Gail Marsh ISBN 978-1-86108-476-7 There comes a time in every 18th century costumer’s career when embroidery seems like a good idea. So many…
V30: An Embroidered Apron – My First Williamsburg Piece
I was pleased to receive my vintage embroidered panel in the mail the other day, but it needed some tweaks. Firstly, it was dirty and smelled of vintage. (You know that smell…that…
V29: Fabrics for Colonial Williamsburg…Again.
Oh, the best laid plans of seamstresses…. I went shopping for fabrics today and came across the perfect stripe silk for my future Colonial Williamsburg polonaise. It looked at me and just…
V28: Preparing for Presentations on Historical Accessories
I’m quite excited to tell you that I have been asked to give a talk on historical hats at the Churchill County Museum in Fallon, NV, in March. Time to study up…
V27: French Shoes of a Various Assortment
I pinned this great shoe illustration on Pinterest, via Athena. It is from the NYPL Digital Gallery. What I love about this image is that it illustrates three very distinct periods of…
V26: 18th Century Panniers – examples and ideas I’ve been thinking about panniers lately. Pocket hoops. Hip padding. For an upper class impression, it looks like a little side hoop action was still en vogue for the 1770s, so…
V25: More Fabric Stamp News, and Astoria Pre-Sale Update
Hi Ladies and Laddies, After posting about the fabric stamps yesterday, they arrived in the mail, and I immediately played with them to see how they looked. I’m so very thrilled!…
V24: Block Printing 18th Century Fabric – Preparations
After much deliberation and many very helpful comments, I revised my Colonial Williamsburg mix n’ match plans: Now the two jackets will be in prints, and the two skirts and gown will…
V23: 18th Century Accessories – Embroidered Aprons
Lewis Walpole Library Despite working on a 1912 Titanic gown currently, and having several other projects lined up before I need to start on the Colonial Williamsburg stuff, I just can’t stay…
V22: More 19teens and Early 1920s Hairstyles {Videos!}
I’ve been talking a lot about hair lately. It seems to be the thing we have the most trouble with. In the first post, “Introduction to Hairstyles in 1912,” I showed contemporary…
V21: Vintage Bead Binge
A belt, but also a headband, perhaps. I was thinking just the other night about where to find heavily beaded bandeau materials for my 1912 (and also 1920s) hair styles, and lo…
V20: A 1912 Hairstyle Tutorial – Gibson Tuck a la Hair Piece
Hi! Last week I posted about 1912 hairstyles, showing a handful of reference images to inspire some hair adventures. Then it was time to experiment. I have pretty short hair – not…
V18: Take the Victorian Button Boot Survey
It’s time for a little “focus group” research, to see what you ladies think about Victorian Button Boots. I’ve had a lot of requests for these, so I’m looking in to the…
V17: What Real Women Wore in 1912
I get so starry-eyed when I look at evening gowns and haute couture of the 19teens. It’s easy to forget that most women didn’t wear anything even remotely like this. There is…
V15: “Astoria” Shoe Pre-Order Now Open
Okay, everything is ready. You can now go and order your Astoria Edwardian Shoes: Order Astoria Edwardian Shoes Most of you know the deal – we need a certain number of pre-orders…