It’s time for a little “focus group” research, to see what you ladies think about Victorian Button Boots.
I’ve had a lot of requests for these, so I’m looking in to the possibility. If you would like to participate in the development of our future button boots, please take the survey and let me know how you feel about color, shape, details, prices, and so on :

January 18, 2012 at 9:08 PMWow gret idea!! the crazy thing is that last night I was thinking about victorian button boots, and how awesome it would be if the next shoes you creatd would be that kind… and here I see the survey this afternoon!! What a fun coincidence! I would totally buy a pair if you made them.
Have a nice day!
Lauren R
January 18, 2012 at 10:06 PMah, it is meant to be then! They are not planned to be the *next* shoes, but I would like to start development on these and see how it goes. 🙂
January 18, 2012 at 9:24 PMI think these are so lovely! I found a pair in great condition at a flee market for $30, I think they are so elegant and it makes me happy just seeing them on my book shelf!
Lauren R
January 18, 2012 at 10:07 PMThey are so attractive, don't you think? The ones I have seen in antique shops look impossible to get on your feet, though.
January 18, 2012 at 11:04 PMIt wasn't in the survey, but I'd love to see a wide shaft option for a mid-calf or taller boot.
Lady Rebecca
January 19, 2012 at 7:24 AMAmen to this. I don't have wide feet, but I do have larger calves.
January 19, 2012 at 11:23 AMI agree. Coz I have short ankle boots hit me at the wrong place on my calves so I have to buy wide calf fit.
January 18, 2012 at 11:51 PMI took the survey, but I think I should have said "mid calf".
I'm glad to hear it will be a while before they are produced and available, since I'm going to get a pair of the Astoria's for my birthday in March. I will need another "occasion" to warrant another of these lovely purchases.
Jen Thompson
January 19, 2012 at 1:07 AMGoodness that was hard to answer! I loved many of the choices, so I had a devil of a time deciding. So I wanted to tell you that the only things that I *wouldn't* like would be a Western heel or the shortest ankle length. I want curved heels and a high top (like the two you have pictured above). I really don't care about the button edge or the color. Any of those possibilities would be fine with me.
I'm so excited already! 🙂
January 19, 2012 at 5:07 PMI agree! The only thing I really do not want is the Western heel. French short heel would look so much better. I think the mid ankle length would be the best.
A brown/tan shoe would be lovely, but I'd be fine with any color. Also, I have a question for anyone who's willing to answer. Is satin really historically accurate for Victorian boots?
Lauren R
January 20, 2012 at 1:37 AMHi Ellen – I'm not entirely fond of the western heel too, but it was a style option on the Edwardian end of buttons boots. My personal vote is for French heels, lol.
Satin boots – they were quite popular for evening, surprisingly. There are several pairs in collections. Here are some lovely ones:
Ellen Widstrand
January 20, 2012 at 6:09 PMLauren – Wow, those satin boots truly are amazing! I'm actually surprised that there were boots made in satin, cause somehow I thought boots were never made in that material/fabric during the Victorian era. But I'd go for the boots in satin rather than leather! Hopefully most people prefer the French heel, too 🙂
Sandra Brake
January 19, 2012 at 11:13 AMVictorian is very nice but I just want Pompadours!
Vienna La Rouge
January 19, 2012 at 8:49 PMI agree; a button boot would be fantastic.
Of course I personally have a love/fear/hate relationship with boots of any kind, and while I absolutely yearn for a pair of these, I'm scared that my heart will be broken.
I'm a size 9.5 to 10, and I'm tall-ish at 5'9". My calves are not large, but they are not really skinny either; 'average' would be a proper term (?).
Yet each time I shop for boots in my size range, the ankles/calves are HUGE on me. And I'm talking by epic proportions. Once in a blue moon do I ever find boots that don't look like galoshes on me, lol!
I've worked in clothing and shoes for years, with women of all ages and sizes, and noticed that so many manufacturers must think us tall girls with size 9 to 10 feet must *all* have larger calves. Some do, but there are also a lot of us that don't :-
I hope your boots will answer my dreams of having a Victorian button boot that fits even my lower calves. Regardless, I would gladly order some from you, to at least give them a go.
January 20, 2012 at 3:30 AMI can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this option. I work in grocery store in a mid 19th century themed State Park in California and this would just be fantastic. I've been searching and searching for something that would be appropriate and could stand up to an 8 hour shift of standing, walking, and moving around a store.