Remember Franken-Doublet? What was supposed to be a quick project has turned into the long-and-tedious- project, full of difficult hand sewing and problem solving, yay. It’s time like these that you find if you’re truly excited by a project or not. Luckily this one excites me, so I haven’t given up yet!
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It’s a mess right now – and she’s got no knickers!! |
I’ve been cutting all the lines of trim – they’re self-fabric strips with gimp on top – but none of them are sewn down yet. Those all need to go on by hand. I also found some stand-in buttons that give the look of thread-covered buttons, to be applied while I spend the rest of my life covering little wooden molds with embroidery floss.
Here’s my overall design. I’m planning a damask skirt worn over a moderate French farthingale. I feel the French farthingale is greatly under-represented (like, never seen at all) at our Renaissance Faires, and somebody needs to be brave and wear one! For sleeves, I’m thinking black, corded and slashed, with lace cuffs.

Deadline for this whole thing is the last weekend in May, for Valhalla Renaissance Faire up at Tahoe. Yeep!
April 6, 2012 at 10:22 PMI love this! I like that you are going to wear a French farthingale! I know from working faires that its usually due to the time period. I work at a renaissance festival that is actually Tudor England not the actual renaissance england. That may be one reason for the lack of French farthingales.
Your botton holes are awesome by the way. I cant wait to see this finished!
April 7, 2012 at 1:51 PMThat is incredible! I wish I had your talent/knowledge/patients!