I do love me some OL and the show’s been inspiring some Scottish-themed ideas, especially since I “rediscovered” a gorgeous tartan skirt that’s been lurking in my closet the last 11 years,…
Civil War Gown Inspiration and Plannings
…oh yes, *plannings* ! I have terrible Costume A-D-D at the moment. Terrible. One of the many things I want to make *right now* is a new Civil War gown. I can’t…
V338: Green Acres Bustle Gown Skirt Progress
It’s slow going over here in Green Acres, partially due to laziness, and partially due to the omg-howmuchyardage!?-for-trims that comes along with many bustle projects. My original plan for the trimmeries on…
V332: New Project: Giant “Green Acres” Bustle Gown
I am suffering from severe CADD (Costume A.D.D.) lately. My ’30s plaid Christmas dress sits on the mannequin, nearly complete, but with the arrival of a giant roll of green silk, new…
V329: Inspiring 1930s Frocks
I admit, I haven’t been very good about my “Vintage365” blog-a-day. I’ve been fallin’ down on the job (but only because I’m so dang busy with everything else!). Anywho, I’m working on…
V203: New Dress Design: Robe Royaliste
I don’t have enough 18th century gowns. I have jackets and things, and I do love jackets, but when it comes to full gowns, I have, like, one (soon to be two).…
V97: New Elizabethan Doublet Progress
Remember Franken-Doublet? What was supposed to be a quick project has turned into the long-and-tedious- project, full of difficult hand sewing and problem solving, yay. It’s time like these that you find…
V82: How To Decorate Pemberley Regency Shoes Like It’s 1789
As of late I’ve been inspired by that interesting transitional period in women’s dress, around the end of the 1780s and into the 1790s. Many things changed – the waistline of gowns,…
V60: 1770s Hair Notes
Today’s post is a page out of my dress journal. I went through a great many images, a lot of them fashion plates, and broke down the various parts of the big…
V39: 1920s Beaded Flapper Dress Design
Today Lady Carolyn invited me to participate in a presentation on 1920s fashion coming up at Reno’s National Automobile Museum at the end of March. How could I resist! I have a…
V29: Fabrics for Colonial Williamsburg…Again.
Oh, the best laid plans of seamstresses…. I went shopping for fabrics today and came across the perfect stripe silk for my future Colonial Williamsburg polonaise. It looked at me and just…
V10: Designing Your Costumes Using Adobe Photoshop, Part 1
Gettin’ jiggy with Photoshop Hi all! I’ve had several questions lately about how I do my costume concepts, so I thought I would answer them here. Read on to learn some techniques…
V9: 1912 “Titanic” Edwardian Gown Design
After much deliberation, and some fiddling around with beaded net fabric, I’ve come up with my design. It’s a combination of these two: Janet Arnold’s drawing of the Laurel dress, on the…
V7: Williamsburg Mix n’ Match, and Finding Fabric
Before I run off in a different direction, I will post one more time about my Colonial Williamsburg plans. Since the trip is planned for October, I have quite a long time…
Concept Sketch for an Irish Ensemble for Gold Rush Days
This coming weekend I will be wreaking havoc and eating candy at Gold Rush Days, one of my favorite events of the year, in Old Sacramento. The original plan was to wear…
Revolution Dress – About Those Stays
The Dreamstress asked me to share a little about the stays I’ve been working on. Those extra grommets at the bottom are me messing up. Ignore those, pls.
I apologize for…
Revolution Dress – A Better Idea of What the Heck I’m Doing
The idea of how this gown, “the Revolution Dress,” is going to come together has been milling around in my head for a couple weeks now, in a somewhat nebulous form. Luckily…
Historical Footwear – News, and Looking at Edwardian Styles
Wishbone straps on a c. 1900 white kid pump The results of the Historical Footwear poll are in, and the Edwardian pumps took first, followed by a foot-and-foot race between the 1860-80…
New American Duchess Designs on Garmz.com
Hi all! I’m happy to report that the “October Foxhunt” jacket I designed and uploaded to Garmz.com has sold out! Yay! Of course, I’d love to have another design produced by them,…
American Duchess’ New Year’s Resolution: 18th c. SHOES
I’m going to skip through all the fluffy “as 2010 draws to a close” stuff and just cut to the chase. I have several costuming-related resolutions, but one major big honkin’ elephant…