Because of the nature, and cost, of this project, there must be much planning, sketching, and thinking before anything ever gets cut, stitched, or glued. Here are a few more design sketches from my costume journal. I use my costume journal to figure things out, such as the way a gown will close, or what the pattern pieces might look like. I also glue, tape, and staple in fabric swatches, bits of trim, or inspirational photos, fashion plates, or drawings. Some pages are nothing but numbers, while others are just notes with scribbly drawings. These sketches are further along towards what this gown will (hopefully) actually look like, as opposed to the first design sketch at the beginning of this blog, which was the initial idea. Still, the drawings in this post are still not quite what it will all be in the end – it’s materializing in my head more and more each day…and then there’s what will happen along the way!

One Comment
E. Waterman
April 2, 2009 at 7:32 PMI am a bad influence XD