Hey everyone! Tomorrow begins our first official Photo Contest on Facebook! The theme is loosely “winter wonderland” – starting tomorrow, click on the “Photo Contest” tab under our cover photo, and upload your favorite picture of you (or your friend) in historical costume of any period (including Steampunk).
All photo submissions are due by November 29th – voting then starts and will run through December 6th. The winners are chosen by popular vote (so tell your friends!). Prizes are:
1st place: $100 gift certificate to AmericanDuchess.com
2nd place: $75 gift certificate to AmericanDuchess.com
3rd place: $50 gift certificate to AmericanDuchess.com
So start looking through your photos (or go out and take some), and be ready to upload them next week! Anything vaguely holiday or season-related is great: think “Dickens Fair,” “plaid” “Christmas,” Hanukkah,” “Kwanzaa” – anything festive, fur-trimmed, wool, cozy-looking, etc. It doesn’t have to be a photo in a snowy landscape – it should just evoke the feeling of the season. There’s no restriction on the age of the photo – a day old, a year old, a decade old, all are welcome.

November 22, 2013 at 3:59 AMIs there a limit to how many photos we can submit?
Lauren Stowell
November 22, 2013 at 5:22 AMHi Chelsea – yes, you are limited to one, so pick your very best!
November 22, 2013 at 4:26 AMOh how utterly and completely fun!!
MrsC (Maryanne)
November 22, 2013 at 5:59 AMThis is so funny – it is getting so hot here everyone is laughing at the Santa costume I am making and pitying the poor guy who has to wear it! 🙂
November 23, 2013 at 6:39 PMwhat do I do if I don't have a Facebook account?