Today I’m excited to present to you a new 20th century vintage repro, “Claremont,” a chocolate brown suede-and-patent ladies’ oxford straight out of the 1930s.
Here are the specifics:
- Claremont oxfords are made of suede leather with patent leather stripe trim
- Lined in leather, too.
- The lace-up closure is adjustable
- Heels are 2 3/8 inches / 6.03 cm, custom-made and balanced.
- Soles are man-made and extremely durable
- B width
Claremont’s original inspiration shoe is this one, from the London College of Fashion Shoe Collection.
The original shoe was made by Rosenthal and Doucette, dated to the late ’30s. We did our version in chocolate brown (though a maroon option is possible for the future, as well as black), with additional stripes at the back, and a lower heel – the original is 3 3/4 inch; ours is 2 3/8 inch.

“Claremont” is named for the collection of colleges in Claremont, California, founded in the 1920s, including the ladies’ college Scripps. They have a decidedly sophisticated style that works for both historical and modern outfits. Just imagine your Clares paired with a tweed skirt and fitted blazer, perhaps something like this:
For those who are new to the Pre-Order process, here’s how it works:
New American Duchess shoe styles are 100% crowdfunded. The success of a new style depends on how many pre-orders are placed.
The new style will be available to order for three weeks, during which time you get a nice discount, and are able to reserve your pair(s) out of the production run, which is usually only 200 pairs spread over 11 sizes. I highly recommend pre-ordering if you wear a smaller or larger size, such as a size 6 or a size 11.
After the pre-order ends, the order is placed with the factory. Manufacture takes about 10 weeks. You can still place an order during this period, but no longer for the sale price.
The sale of everything in our shop helps to fund a new shoe style, so a pre-order period is a great time to order those shoes, stockings, or buckles you’ve been eyeing, because it all helps us continue to offer more and more historical footwear and other goodies. More information on the Pre-Order process can be found here: http://www.american-duchess.com/pre-ordering-information
Mary Nease
September 2, 2013 at 7:19 PMOooh… Is the sole the same one that's used on the 23Skidoos? I've found that that sole does very well dancing. It's not on the level of real leather, but it has still danced quite nicely on a variety of dance floors.
Lauren Stowell
September 2, 2013 at 7:20 PMHi Mary – yes, it's the same kind of sole. Smooth and hard and extremely durable.
Mary Nease
September 2, 2013 at 8:04 PMOk good to know. I'll mention that to my swing friends. I know a number of ladies who are in the market for a dance shoe that works well on the street (as in no suede soles) and aren't as expensive as the $200+ Remix shoes.
September 3, 2013 at 3:04 AMJust preordered mine! Can't wait to see these lovelies.
September 3, 2013 at 2:46 PMThese are so lovely! I have a question about sizes: I will probably need a size 11, but the size chart shows 10 as the largest size. Are they available in a size 11? *fingerscrossed*
Lauren Stowell
September 3, 2013 at 5:52 PMHi Siri – Oh, thanks for catching that! I'll have it changed right away. Yes, the Clares DO go up to size 11. Here's an expanded size chart: http://www.american-duchess.com/shoe-size-chart
October 1, 2013 at 2:18 AMi would totally get these in black or the original dark red!