I would like to give an award to my favorite three costume blogs right now, which is actually a really hard thing to do because I follow at least a hundred of you guys.
These blogs exhibit particularly awesome content, with thorough articles and regular updates on their costuming adventures, events attended, and research done.
When you receive a Duchie Award, post on your blog (in any order):
- Five things you love about historical costuming/wearing vintage clothing
- Three (or more) blogs to pass the Duchie Award onto
- A link back to the blog who awarded you the Duchie
So…let’s start it 🙂 My top three historical costuming blogs right now:
- Diary of a Vintage Girl – Fleur’s vintage life in blog form, complete with great photos, amazing clothes, fun events. Plus she looks just like Dovima. /jealous
- The Couture Courtesan – Samantha’s costumes are always stunning, and she attends so many cool events.
- Wearing History – Lauren M creates stunning Victorian, Edwardian, and early 20th century clothing, plus has her own line of patterns. Very impressive and inspiring!
Congratulations! Please feel free to take the small image here, and the large image at the top, to use on your blog :

October 9, 2011 at 12:18 PMCongrats to everyone! What a brilliant idea!
Cynthia Griffith
October 9, 2011 at 2:04 PMCongratulations to them! 🙂
October 10, 2011 at 5:05 PMThanks for the award! Yay!