Museum of London: Mules, 1651 Okay, so maybe I’m a little obsessive about red shoes, lol. Here are some red shoes throughout history… The Met – ver y eraly 18th c. Unsure…
V69: Vintage 1920s/30s Hair Clip Results and Photos
Yesterday I played around with some vintage hair waving clips I picked up at Sacramento Antiques last month. Remember these?… 1930s aluminum hair waving clips, and dog hair. I used them on…
V68: Operations Petticoat: Two Finished 18th Century Petties
I finally finished two Georgian petticoats that seem to have taken me forever to do. Petticoats are supposed to be easy, right? Celadon green silk petticoat with pinked ruffle, sheer embroidered apron,…
V67: The Red Shoes, The Pretty Red Shoes
On Facebook, Pamela charged me with finding portraits, fashion plates, and extant examples of red 18th century shoes, and I went a little bonkers and hunted down all sorts of images, so…
V65: Kensington Pre-Sale Now Open, and Enter the Kensinton-Courage Giveaway
“Kensington” 18th Century Leather Shoes Ruby Red or Coal Black Pre-Order Now Open March 5- 19, 2012 On Sale – $99 ($120) Click Here Ordering is unlimited on all women’s USA sizes…
V64: My Grandmother’s Birthday
Happy Sunday! Today my Grandmama is 88 years old. I’m off to go and have a visit with her, before resuming my regularly scheduled petticoat sew-a-thon.
V63: Georgian Miniature Portraits
Mrs Oakeley, by John Smart, 1780s Happy Saturday! Here are a few 18th century miniatures, a lovely little (literally) art form that began life in the 16th century, and was known as…
V62: The Hairstylings of Madame de Pompadour, by Legros de Rumigny
Lovely reader Ceselha, of the blog “My Stubby Fingers…” pointed me to two books on ladies’ hairstyling, from 1768, entitled ” L’Art de la Coeffure des Dames Francoises,” and a supplement to…
V61: Favorite 18th Century Shoe Buckles
If you own pair of latchet shoes, eventually you will own a pair of shoe buckles to close them. Shoe buckles were the standard way of fastening one’s footwear in the 18th…
V60: 1770s Hair Notes
Today’s post is a page out of my dress journal. I went through a great many images, a lot of them fashion plates, and broke down the various parts of the big…
V59: New “Kensington” 18th Century Leather Shoes in Black and Red
Last week I asked you all for your help in deciding what color Kensingtons to release first. All three colors (black, red, and ivory) are the goal, but we just can’t run…
V58: The Tim Gunn Petticoat of Suck
I thought I’d experiment with matelesse fabric, a recommendation from a couple lovely readers, to get the whitework/quilted look. Unfortunately I bought too little, because I clearly had my dunce cap on…
V57: Mardi Gras / Carnevale 18th Century Costume + Hair
I’m wearing tea-stained Georgiana silk shoes and Dauphine buckles – they were comfy, and didn’t scuff or get dirty at all. Last night I went to a belated Mardis Gras Party with…
V56: 18th Century Costumes from “Versailles: Countdown to Revolution”
I watched a documentary series recently called “Versailles,” covering, in three installments, the history of the palace and its monarchs, Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI. I was really impressed with…
V55: New “Kensington” 18th Century Leather Shoes – Vote For Your Favorite Color
Hi Ladies! Once again I need your help, this time in deciding on colors for the new leather colonial shoe, “Kensington.” Kensington is a sturdy 100% leather shoe with a pointed toe,…
V54: How To Create A Simple 18th Century Pouf
A few nights ago I dressed my hair into a simple 1770s pouf style, for modeling at the Nevada Museum of Art. I did this style using one hair piece and one…
V53: 18th Century Costume Modeling at Nevada Museum of Art
Last night I posed for artists at the Nevada Museum of Art’s costume painting class. I wore the Revolution Dress I made last year, and dressed my hair in a simple pouf…
V52: 1770s Pannier Experiments – Style 1
In poking around the 1770s it becomes obvious that panniers are the thing to wear. I’ve never made panniers before – I usually land in the 1780s and 90s, when I visit…
V51: 1957 Little Brown Dress
Over Christmas I made a couple 1950s frocks I haven’t shared with you. In fact, I made this dress, then didn’t have opportunity to wear it until yesterday, for my grandmother’s 88th…
V50: 18th Century Hair of Tall Ships
One of the iconic images we first associate with fashion of the 18th century is the Hair Ship, the tiny galleon perched atop a massive coif of curls. Where did this come…