The Laundress, 1761, by Greuze Mules! (AKA Slippers!) Did you know that mules were incredibly common in the 18th century? Women of all social classes wore them in various materials (silk, wool,…
The Green Goblin: A 1790s Round Gown
The remainder…. It’s a few days before Jane Austen Festival in Louisville, Kentucky, and I’ve stitched the last stitch of a new gown for this year’s event. And what a horror it…
What Are Those Knobbles on 1790s Stays?
From “Corsets and Crinolines” by Norah Waugh – see those nobbles? What are those nobbles for? Read on… Have you ever wondered about those weird round knobbles and pads on late 1780s-1790s…
A Little History of “Mansfield” Regency Riding Boots
Howdy! Today on our “little history” posts, I’ll be giving you some background on our wonderfully exciting new late 18th century and Regency era riding boots. Oh yes, I said riding boots!…
How to Lengthen/Shorten 18th Century Stays
The #1 question we receive about Simplicity 8162 (and will with Simplicity 8579 as well) is how to lengthen or shorten the stays. Particularly with Simplicity 8162, the body block used came…
The Robe a la Turque – Part 4 – The Kurdi Polonaise
The last major piece of my take on Guimard’s 1790 Turkish stage costume was the fabulous fur-trimmed blue robe. I pondered over this piece for a long time, trying to decide just…
The Robe a la Turque – Part 3 – Shalwar Puffy Pants
Before I forget about all the trials and tribulations (and sometimes fun) I had making my Turkish costume for Costume College 2017, I better tell you about one of the most enjoyable…
Jane Austen Festival in Pictures
How remiss am I in sharing photos, proper photos, from the Jane Austen Festival. So remiss! In fact, when I opened up this draft post to see how far I’d gotten, this…
Abby’s Jane Austen Fest Dinner Dress – Done!
Hello Lovelies! Abby here and I am in full “July has been full of travel and awesome but now I need a nap nap” mode over here at American Duchess headquarters. There…
Abby’s Jane Austen Fest Dinner Dress – a Lesson in Plan B…or…C?
Hey Lovelies — So the last time I blogged about my Jane Austen Fest Dinner Dress I was totally jiving on this idea of making a tunic and turbany/chiffonettey thing to wear…
Abby’s Austen Fest Dinner Dress
Hey All! Abby here! As some of you know, Lauren & I will be attending Jane Austen Festival in Louisville, KY this July (soo excited to go home for business! woo!). As…
The 1790s “Jane Austen Goes to Ikea” Gown – The Corset
Ikea does it again – Ingmarie curtains >> This year is 1790s year. After completing all the book projects, Abby and I can finally settle into share-able projects. Both of us are…
The “State of the Book” Address – Updates and Progress
Well it’s been a couple months now since we announced the writing of our 18th century sewing book, which now has an official title: “The American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Dressmaking:…
Finding Inspiration in the 1790s with Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Self Portrait by Vigee-Lebrun, 1791 Those of you who have been following for awhile will know I’m not a huge fan of, well, anything with an empire waist. I just can’t seem…
Loose and Lovely 1790s Locks
Costume College is fast approaching, and while I think I’ve burnt out on trying to get everything done, I *did* fully finish the 1790s Chintz gown. When I started this blog several…
1790s Chintz Gown – The Home Stretch
It’s that time of year – that special time just before That Big Annual Costume Event when the mad “must-get-it-all-done!” sewing commences. I wonder why I do this to myself: I…
1790s Chintz Gown – More Fiddling
I’ve been stitching along on this 1790s chintz gown, little by little, fiddle by fiddle. My apologies for these terrible photos – someday I will find my camera’s battery charger and stop…
1790s Chintz Gown – In Progress
A few days back I got the bee in my bonnet to start sewing on this 1790s chintz gown, inspired by the Museum of London gown everyone loves so much: Museum of…
Curtain-Along Dress #2: 1790s
Last year, I joined Festive Attyre’s “Curtain-Along” sewing event, when I fell in love with the Waverly “Felicite” curtains from Lowes, and made my favorite dress ever, the 1780 Indienne Robe a…
1790s Musings and Inspirations
I’m back to square one with what to wear to Maggie’s wedding in October. (Nevermind my own wedding, I’ve got that one figured out, haha) My ORANGE! sari dress just…no, so now…