I realized today with the 18th century gowns I have made I have only scratched the surface of how many different types there were. It’s easy to fall into the idea that…
V247: Making a 1790s Gainsborough Hat
Yesterday I made a Gainsborough hat to go with the new purple 1790s “Robe Royaliste”. I researched many a fine fashion plate from Dames a la Mode, and raided the craft store…
V242: 1790s Robe Royaliste: Almost Done!
I had intended to bust out this giant purple chemise style gown quickly, but then between being mad sick and then lazy, it’s taken me *this* long to get it done! Needs…
V225: Starting the 1790s “Robe Royaliste”
Before Costume College, I was making plans for a new 1790s gown in purple taffeta, called the “Robe Royaliste.” I decided on a chemise style like the lovely green/gold gown in The…
1790s Wrap-Front Gown, Complete and with Shoes
I finally finished the 1790s wrap-front gown I’ve been working on foreeeeever. I will be wearing this gown, plus its accompanying accessories – pashmina, pineapple reticule, and Pemberley 1790s Regency shoes –…
1790s Wrap-Front Gown … Finally Again
You know those projects that get postponed, only to pop back into your life and demand to be finished? This 1790s voile gown is one of them. I originally intended to wear…
Shoes of the 1790s and Regency
Most likely late 1790s. https://blog.americanduchess.com/2007/04/shoes.html Those of you who have been following the development of my historical footwear line will know that we have plans for a Regency era slipper. This begs…
1790s Wrap-Front Gown – More Progress
The front crossing. The ties will meet with as-yet-existent ties on the sides. I love the adjustability of the drawstring, too…one can go from modest lady to regency floozy in seconds! I…