Announcement: Changes to “Winter Wonderland” Photo Contest

Last week I set up a little photo contest on our Facebook page. I thought it would be fun to see all the beautiful winter-themed costumes you guys have put together, and give away some gift certificates to the top three photos.

Note: There have been some changes to the contest due to loopholes being exploited by bad people. I’ve had several complaints today of one entrant using multiple ghost accounts, bought votes, and voter trade groups on Facebook to try to win.

Because of this, we’ve had to make an executive decision to nix voting altogether and select the winners by a panel of judges. These judges are all costumers, none of whom are entered in the contest of course, all of whom are impartial and fair.

I apologize for being too naive to anticipate the corruption of something that was supposed to be fun and festive, but luckily we caught it *before* the contest wrapped up and winners were awarded.

You can still view the gallery and everyone’s delightful outfits at


  • vintagevisions27

    December 2, 2013 at 8:00 PM

    I was very disappointed not to be able to enter the photo contest. For some reason I thought the entry deadline was midnight last Friday. I took some photos that afternoon and when I went to upload one later in the day only to find the photo submission closed. 🙁 You will have to do this again next year because I think this is a great idea!

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  • MrsC (Maryanne)

    December 3, 2013 at 7:12 AM

    Good on you for catching the problem, closing the loop and not letting the cheat spoil it for everyone! I've always detested vote contests, because it's just a popularity contest. This way, it will be fairer. Don't give up on people, Lauren 🙂 xo

  • AuntieNan

    December 3, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    Wow! Lovely display of work, and a tough job for the judges! Thanks for continuing with this, despite the Scrooges out there! I love all the ones with the wintry outdoor settings! Reminds me of the redingote shot you did with the "birch tree" setting!
    Nancy N

  • vintagevisions27

    December 3, 2013 at 1:24 PM

    Sorry to hear about the troubles with the contest but love the change to a judges panel. Why do a few bad people have to spoil the fun for others, boo!
    I'm sure you have your judges selected but if you need another for this contest or for any future contests I would be happy and willing!

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  • Rachelle

    December 4, 2013 at 3:16 AM

    I didn't enter simply because of the voting; I never enter voting ones because they're all on how many "friends" you have. I much prefer a panel of judges and would enter in future even if my outfits aren't as good as I'd like.

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