Did you know that 2012 is the 100-year centennial not just for the sinking of the Titanic, but the founding of the Girl Scouts?
My own Girl Scout adventures aren’t really interesting – sold thousands of cookies, rode horses – but I found some old photos of my mother, in 1960, in her Girl Scout uniform, and with her troop.
This is my mom, 1960. |
I just love their little hats. We didn’t have hats like this when I was a Girl Scout. My hair never looked so good either. 1960 |
1960s – camping. |
1960 – Girl Scout Tea. |
Were you a Girl Scout? What are you fondest scouting memories?
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April 9, 2012 at 11:29 PMAdorable pictures! I'm really enjoying the portrait (of course!) and the camping picture… was there a dedicated girl scout camp, like how my dad has told me about a boy scout ranch in Southern California he went to in the 60s? Or perhaps they just went camping as a group on their own. Either way — neato!
I was in girl scouts from 2nd to 4th grade — after that, none of the moms who didn't work full time wanted to take on the responsibility of the troop. My mom's activity when I was in 4rd grade was a camping trip — lots of fun. 😀
Although when my mom was a kid in the late 50s and early 60s, apparently the other moms wouldn't let my mom and her twin sister stay in girl scouts after one year since my grandmother was a teacher and couldn't volunteer her time during the afternoon. = Sounds kinda mean!
Awesome pictures. 😀 Thanks for sharing!
Lauren R
April 10, 2012 at 3:59 AMMy mom has told me that her mother planned all kinds of excellent outings for them. I think they went camping on their own. I, on the other hand, went to pre-fab camps, one of which was fantastic – Camp Wasuii II.
April 9, 2012 at 11:58 PMAh girl scouts! I was one from kindergarden to 8th grade and would have continued if we hadn't moved. I loved going to camp and was always one of the top cookie sellers in my troop. My favourite part was camping and horse back riding.
Lauren R
April 10, 2012 at 4:00 AMMine too! I did horse camp for two years, and I was also one of the top cookie sellers. There was always that one girl who out-did me, though. ALWAYS. Grrrr, lol
April 10, 2012 at 12:24 AMMy School offered it but never for my grade. I was in 1st or 2nd grade and thought being a Brownie would entail eating lots of freshly baked brownies… maybe not!
Lauren R
April 10, 2012 at 4:00 AMI remember thinking that too, but alas, no actual brownies were consumed 🙁
April 10, 2012 at 1:33 AMI still have my Girl Scout uniform from the 1960’s; it looks just like your Mother's. When my father gave it back to me in 1999 I could still put it on. It was a little short and well I could not button up the upper buttons. My parents got a real kick out of it, they thought I was joking.
All my memories of Scouting from Brownies on up are wonderful. And remember those $1.00 a box of cookies.
Lauren R
April 10, 2012 at 4:01 AMYou still fit into it! WOW! I certainly don't. I'm sure my mom still has mine somewhere. I never experience the $1.00 box o' cookies. Dang, now I really want some samoas…
April 10, 2012 at 2:01 AMYour mother is adorable and you look a lot like her!
Lauren R
April 10, 2012 at 4:02 AMShe's a cutie. Still is 🙂 She looks a lot like her Dad. I should post a side-by-side comparison.
April 10, 2012 at 3:29 AMIn the 1970s I was in the rival clan – Camp Fire Girls, but got kicked out in the 6th grade because apparently I was too creative and unconventional for our suburban mom troop leader. I guess it was a good thing?
Lauren R
April 10, 2012 at 4:03 AMKicked out for being too creative? Surely you were making everyone else look bad. I was a handful too – NEVER followed craft directions. Still don't, lol.
April 12, 2012 at 6:17 AMThe last straw, literally, was when we made dried flower and candle centerpieces and apparently I used more than my share of material in mine. It was all nice and full, and, well, professional-looking – and the other kids' arrangements looked scrawny and homemade. I still have the picture of me looking pretty forlorn in my best dress holding up this GORGEOUS arrangement. That kid certainly needed to know how absolutely fabulous she really was!
Lauren R
April 12, 2012 at 6:52 AMYeah, my golden macaroni-covered pencil box was the bomb too, or so I thought, haha. I frustrated my scout leader, Susan, to no end. I think she was glad when we moved to a different part of town…
April 10, 2012 at 5:02 AMMy mom put me into Girl Scouts when I was in second grade because there were only boys in our neighborhood and she thought it would be a good way for me to meet and get to know other girls. I don't remember much about the early years except going up to Camp Sherman, which was the Girl Scout camp for my area, and riding horses. I have a lot of great memories from after I became a Senior Girl Scout, like participating in a local nautical themed competition for our county. Some of the stuff I learned as a scout has even paid off as an adult (like knowing how to lash down a tent in a storm… who would've thought that that would come in handy!) I can't wait till I have a daughter and she's old enough for me to sign her up as a scout 🙂
April 10, 2012 at 5:51 AMMy Girl Scouting was regrettably short-lived as well. I fell in with a local group that also hosted several fellow elementary school students. I went on a single camping trip and participated in a single cookie sale, then… DISASTER. At a sleep-over one evening I accidentally (barely) set fire to one of the braids of a fellow scout. It was with a decorative candle and occurred within inches of the girl's mother. The victim sustained a minor trim, but the incident was the last straw. Added to my own Mother's disinterest in Girl Scout politics and my precocious vocabulary, it was enough for a dishonorable discharge.
But! I've kept my official Girl Scout shirt, skirt and beret (and sash), along with some non-regulation green knee socks. And I admit to trying it on not so long ago. Let's just say a few things have changed since I was 9.
April 12, 2012 at 6:20 AMLet's hear it for those who march to a different drummer!
April 12, 2012 at 6:54 AMBwahaha! Oh dear, but I know the feeling. I was never kicked out, but also had the precocious vocabulary and "ideas" of my own, especially when it came to how to do crafts. I became more aware of girl scout politics later on, and finally left the scouts when it became more about makeup and doll-making than camping and the outdoors. /sigh .
April 10, 2012 at 5:57 AMI was a Brownie, never made it to Girl Scout. But I do have a fantastic 1939 uniform, don't know if you've seen it, it's pretty cool!
Lauren R
April 12, 2012 at 6:55 AMThat uniform is fantastic!!! What a find!
April 10, 2012 at 1:22 PMThese pictures are precious! I would love to see a return to good grooming – lol. I don't recall my daughter ever looking this neat and tidy. I was a brownie in the early 60's and my mom was a troop leader for a short time. Never had the pleasure of camping with the troop. Still buying those cookies though:)
Lauren R
April 12, 2012 at 6:56 AMGood grooming, yes please, although the time it takes to style proper mid-century hair, UGH.
April 10, 2012 at 1:40 PMwhen I was scouting I belonged to a troup that was big on earning badges. Then we moved and I went to a different troup. Either it was newly formed or not so big on earning badges because I was thunderstruck by how many more I had than the other girls (mine had started going on the other sleeve.) First time in my life that I felt like top girl on campus!
April 12, 2012 at 6:57 AMI hear that! I had tons of badges too, TONS. It was fierce competition in every troop I was a part of – somebody was always more of a badge-hound than me. It was intense.
April 10, 2012 at 2:24 PMGirl Scouts are directly responsible for my career in historic reenactment! I was a junior during grade school, kinda skipped cadets, but got involved with senior Girl scouts in high school. Our senior scout community service project was pioneer craft demonstrations at a local nature center and thru that we were invited to join a Revolutionary War reenactment group called the NorthWest Territory Alliance. Not only did I learn crafts and camping, I also got my first taste of real historic costuming and AND I learned to throw a tomahawk. I've never looked back and still see friends from my senior troop pretty regularly and participate in RevWar reenactments (among others). Not too shabby for over 30 years after leaving active Girl Scouts!
Lauren R
April 12, 2012 at 6:58 AMI never learned to throw a tomahawk! /jealous. That's a wonderful lineage to have with your historical re-enactment. I don't know where my interest came from…maybe there was something back in my girl scout days, like yours, that sparked it, too 🙂
April 10, 2012 at 2:34 PMI was a Girl Scout all the way through Cadettes. My GS uniform in the 70's was a green shirtwaist dress, sash with badges, troop number, etc, and that same hat. Oh, I did have the belt. I remember the Girl Scout corner at Sears had knee sock flashes, knee socks, and all sorts of wonderful accessories I didn't have. I do still have my mess kit and even have the box it came in. Yes, it was used often. But I saved the box for some reason. And the cotton sack with strap to carry it. My niece never was a Girl Scout, but my nephew is planning his Eagle Scout project.
Lauren R
April 12, 2012 at 6:59 AMYour Sears had a girl scouts corner? Cool! We had a specific girl scout building where we had to buy our gear. I remember those knee sock flashes, oh yes, I coveted those.
April 10, 2012 at 2:48 PMI was a Girl Scout through sixth grade. My family was heavily involved, all four of us kids participated and my mom led multiple troops. And while most the girls wouldn't even wear their sashes/vests, I had to wear the full get-up. I think my mom purchased my vintage brownie ensemble from a garage sale. I even had the beanie! I hated it at the time, because I wanted to be more casual like the other girls, but looking back it was really cute. 🙂 My aunt worked for the Girl Scouts, so I went to her camp in the summer and in off-season. SO much fun. I especially loved the pine thicket forest where the girls had made 'rustic' shelters out of pine limbs. The floor was completely covered in pine straw and you couldn't see the sky, just pine trees everywhere. It was the most magical place!
Lauren R
April 12, 2012 at 7:01 AMI hated wearing the whole get-up too. My mom finally let me wear jeans or shorts, but I still had to wear the proper shirt, tie, and sash or vest, while the other girls just wore their sashes.
April 10, 2012 at 10:23 PMA great reminder amid this Titanic hurricane. Thanks! And awesome pictures of course.
L. R. Stern
April 11, 2012 at 7:36 PMthese are fantastic! I was also a girl scout, and I first learned to sew with my troop. We made elf costumes and helped out at Christmas time at a local shelter for women and their children leaving situations of abuse. All of the skills I learned there–baking cookies, making clothes, and participating in community projects–have stuck with me. Go Girl Scouts!
We never had uniforms though–these are fantastic!