Hi All,
I’m writing to you with a couple announcements:

Today is the last day to pre-order Pemberley Regency Shoes, for the special $80 price. We’ve sold enough to make the order, so we *will* have Pemberlies coming in January.
After today, the stock becomes limited and the price goes to the regular retail price of $95, so if you want to save your pennies and ensure we have your size in stock for you, order today.
A few reasons why you need the Pemberlies in your life:
- They are historically accurate.
- They are really comfortable.
- You can dance in them – real Italian leather soles
- You can paint/dye them pretty colors and customize them with shoe clips.
- They are both an outdoor walking shoe, and an indoor formal shoe
- They are the most historically accurate 1790s shoe available.
Today I am drawing the winner of the 18th century Shoe Buckle Giveaway. If you haven’t entered yet, go HERE.

The two styles of buckle – Dauphine and Fleur – are currently in production and will arrive here in about a week and a half. You can buy them HERE, on the website.
These are *real* shoe buckles, exactly like those used by ladies in the 18th century. They have both a tongue and chape, and are silver plated, with glass rhinestones. No other reproduction 18th century paste buckles like these exist, so if you prefer period paste buckles over cast brass, these are for you.