It’s been a crazy mid-month, and here’s hoping things calm down. Lots of happenings and announcements and other zaniness ahead…
First Up – Pogey Bait! Nicole, herself a fantastic seamstress and wonderful friend, got me an AMAZERING little teacup and saucer for Christmas, from Anthropologie. It’s *divine!* So, so lovely, and I am drinking tea out of it right now. Thanks Nicole! This event of joy happened while visiting Cuthbert’s Tea House at Dickens Fair in San Francisco, where I spent my weekend. Cuthbert’s also sells sweet little tea accoutrements, and I found a delightful, classic, white porcelain teapot for a lovely little price (you see it in the picture behind the cup and saucer). There is something about white porcelain teapots, unadorned, and well-balanced, that I simply love…so, a Christmas gift to myself, shhhhh!

navy blue velveteen. On picture is with flash, one without.
Next– James’ Ubersexlich 18th c. men’s suit. I promise to inundate you with updates in the next month or so, but I just have to say that toiles and fittings are really not that interesting in the blog-iverse…that, and this particular fitting happened to take place in the men’s room at Gaskells Victorian Ball. There were men. They were in their underwear. This is the reason for having no pictures. At any rate, the fitting went very well, with minor changes to the waistband, tightening up the legs, and making some aesthetic decisions concerning the back of the waistcoat. I can’t wait to get started on the final version, and it better be quick – James wants the ensemble by early February (*ouch!*).

More – an announcement. I’m going to work up a couple patterns for sale and place them on Etsy. No timeline as of yet, and I’ll need to perfect them, but I’m thinking of the 1790s striped jacket, possibly the 1840s ballgown bodice, maybe some headgear (like a coif + embroidery pattern). I’ll have to dig through my patterns…
And Finally – I spent the weekend in The Bay, at Dickens Fair and at Gaskells. Here’s evidence of the latter – are you sick of this dress yet?
December 23, 2009 at 7:05 PMI'm so going to look like a not-quite-so- malevolent version of John Malcovich in Dangerous Liaisons. He was primarily in black in the opening scene, whereas I'll be in dark navy.) :-> And it's February 13, not early Feb. since I'll be out of the country. The trims look great.
American Duch
December 23, 2009 at 7:20 PMThe Viscount's malevolence was so sexy though! I think you will look pretty darned awesome 🙂
The Dreamstress
December 23, 2009 at 8:14 PMLove the teacup and saucer! And I'm so envious of the Gaskells and Dickensing! (blast it – which one is the pouty emoticon!)
And a good dress is never boring to look at!
December 24, 2009 at 4:22 AMI will NEVER be tired of that dress! And you have a very interested prospective buyer if you make those patterns! James, you will look fabulous. 😀
December 24, 2009 at 4:48 AMI'm trying to figure out how to size the patterns, or if I should just do a single size (but how lame is THAT?). Hrm…prospective buyers eh? Yes, I think it would be a lovely way to make some money, which I'm dearly in need of, uh, always. lol
E. Waterman
December 24, 2009 at 9:26 PMi want the jackeeeeet pattterrrrrn
December 27, 2009 at 6:33 PMOh wowzers – that cup and saucer is so so so very pretty! I am quite jealous indeed! But(!), the potential offering of the stripe jacket pattern makes up for it – I would definitely be all over that like a rash if you don't mind posting to the UK!
December 28, 2009 at 5:47 PMI don't mind posting to the UK, although the shipping is nasty, as you know. Well shoot, ladies, looks like I've got my work cut out for me doing some patterns…time to call in the blueprinters…
June 29, 2017 at 10:03 PMSo pretty. Treat to drink from them.