Hello Lovelies! Abby here — and let me tell you — I have 1920s on the brain! Now that Costume College has ended, the Royal Vintage travel schedule has died down just…
Review: “Rock Around the Clock” Dress by Emmy Design Sweden
The Emmy “Rock Around the Clock” dress in plaid, paired with “Evelyn” oxfords in tan/brown by Royal Vintage Once upon a time a girl met a dress and fell in love. I…
Who’s That Girl? Meet Tina Vines
Who is that gorgeous new face on RoyalVintageShoes.com, our Facebook, and Instagram? Meet Tina Vines, vintage fashion enthusiast and entrepreneur. Tina modeled a beautiful original vintage western outfit for our mid-Summer photo…
A Very Vintage Trip to the UK
Hi! I’m Lauren – remember me? I’ve been away for awhile on a much-needed vacation to the UK. Hooray! Vacay! It was a wonderful, restful and also stimulating trip. We did many…
Oh Snap – A 1920s Photo Shoot
Back in April we did a photo shoot for the new “Deco Darlings” designs, showcasing two of our lovely 1920s and 30s shoes – Evelyn and Lillian. Because the Deco Darlings work…
Oh Snap – A 1930s Photoshoot
A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to shoot with a stunning woman, Rachel, who transformed from a hip, modern gal into a statuesque Joan Crawford movie star. Love these shoes.…
Simplicity 8248 1930s Dress – Results and Review
Simplicity 8248 – 1930s Dress – made in rayon-like cotton. Ever since Simplicity released two new 1930s patterns last Fall I have been just dying to make one up. The timing seemed…
Butterick Pattern Catalog, 1937 – A Few Faves
Butterick, 1937 Some time ago I went on a bit of a bender looking for original sewing pattern counter books. One of the counter books I had the good fortune to snag…
Royal Vintage – Deco Darling Collection Now on Pre-Order!
Hello Darlings! We are super excited to announce that our sister company Royal Vintage has released the newest collection line for Pre-Order (Delivery in early June)! It’s named Deco Darling and it is…
Simplicity Pattern Catalog, June 1946
I promised I would show snaps from the other 1940s Simplicity pattern catalog I recently purchased, so here we go! Last time, I shared with you my favorites from the Simplicity 1940,…
Simplicity Pattern Catalog, August 1940
Simplicity Pattern Catalog, August 1940 About a month ago I acquired my first vintage counter book – you know, the big pattern catalogs we go and flip through at the fabric stores.…
My Last Project of 2016
1930s-inspired hooded wool bomber jacket. It feels like I haven’t sewn much this year. I certainly have lapsed on the blogging, which I greatly apologize for! Everything we’ve been stitching up since…
Popping Up In New York
New York from the Polaski Bridge A couple weekends ago, Chris and I took a mini-vacay-partial-work-trip to New York. The mini-vacay part involved lots of delicious and varied eateries in the ultra-hip(ster)…
Brooklyn Royal – Our First Pop-Up Shop in NYC!
And here I thought we were done with travel for the year. Nope! Back to New York City we go (twice in one year!) for our very first, very special Pop Up…
What I Wore to the Election, November 1920
Day dress, c. 1920/1921. Silk with embroidery, paneled skirt, belt, and cotton underbodice. In case you hadn’t noticed….. Today is election day. And for the first time, a woman is a real…
How to Start Wearing Vintage/Retro Every Day
Lauren here — As historic costumers, we all obviously love clothing, but many of us feel the divide between “costume” and “clothing.” Most historic costumers do not wear historic pieces every day,…
Behind the Scenes at Simplicity Creative Group, NYC
Lauren reporting – We’re back! Last week Abby and I traveled to The East Coast to attend Rufflecon and spend a few days in New York City afterwards. While we were sipping…
Spotlight: New “Londoner” Edwardian Oxfords
Lauren here – This month we’re celebrating the new Fall/Winter styles we’ve opened for pre-order all at once. Each week we’re taking a closer look at each style, the inspiration and research…
New York, New York!
Today we are in New York City! Squeeeeeeeee! Although Abby has been here three times, Lauren has never been, so it’s quite the experience. We’re not at loose ends, though. Our three…
Vintage Pants Review: Vivien of Holloway Swing Trousers
Lauren reporting … As you may know, I have a bit of an obsession with vintage trousers. This comes from my love of vintage style clothing, naturally, but also my deep seething…