Joan Bennet When the present interprets the past, it always adds its own ideals on top. This is how we can identify “70s does 30s” and “80s does 40s” – it’s because…
What It’s Like to Be an Extra on a Historical Documentary, pt.1
This time last year I was cast in a Weather Channel documentary on The Donner Party, filming right here in Northern Nevada where the ordeal took place. Casting It was an interesting…
I’m No Pinup
The actual me: I can’t draw a cat eye; I don’t often wear dresses; my car isn’t vintage; I’m covered in dog hair. I’ve been into vintage fashion a long time now.…
Wearing History “Smooth Sailing” Blouse Review
Wearing History “Smooth Sailing” blouse made from the excellent printed pattern, worn with the ready-to-wear “Smooth Sailing” jeans. The pattern also contains piece for these pants. Late last year I made my…
Exclusive Manchester Regency Boots – Pre-Order Open!
It’s been an age in developing our recreation of the famous Manchester Art Gallery c. 1820 Grecian booties. Voted as our Cycle 6 Exclusive, the Manchester Regency Boots are finally…finally!…finally! available to…
Professional Shoe Hunting Adventures in Vegas
View from (almost) the top Last week I went to Magic in Vegas. That sounds glamorous, but Magic is the name of the USA’s largest fashion trade show, and when I say…
A “Miss Fisher” 1920s Burgundy Cloche Hat
It pales in comparison to the original, but I’m quite happy with my burgundy Miss Fisher hat, retro-cycled from a sad garage sale find. I know it’s February – practically Spring! –…
Heading to Vegas, Baby
Being from Nevada, albeit the other end of the state, I’m not really excited to be going to Vegas for the next three days…but I AM excited to be visiting the US’s…
The Return of Mademoiselle Guimard
This time last year I was excited about a project I never completed. Let’s rather say I just haven’t completed it yet. But I haven’t forgotten, or gotten over my interest in…
The Problem with “Always” and “Never” in Historical Costuming
Dress – 1864-67 – cotton – The Met < soapbox > Every once in awhile some new statements will pop up in this community that make me balk. These statements usually come…
My Historical Coral Jewelry Set by K.Walters at the Sign of the Gray Horse
Coral bead jewelry set by K.Walters at the Sign of the Gray Horse – coral earrings, necklace, ring, and bracelets made from Swarovski coral beads I’ve never been much of a jewelry…
1880s Wool Ensemble – The Bodice and Finished Outfit
1885 Wool and Velveteen Day Dress In the last post about this outfit, I talked about apportioning rulers and how I made the overskirt/apron for this outfit. I promised you I’d follow…
A Really Really Big Shoe Sale – No Really!
Click the image to go to the SALE! I have a gift for you all. It’s the gift of shoes. We’re having a really….REALLY big sale. Like a huge sale. An enormous…
1880s Wool Ensemble – Apportioning Ruler Adventures
I’ve been slow but steady on the progress of this grey wool and black velvet mid-1880s outfit. It’s been about a month of weekends working on it, but I’m proud to say…
Exciting Things in Store for Vintage Shoe Lovers
2016 is already off to a roaring start. The beginning of the year always comes with lots of planning for the next 12 months, and this year is more intense than ever.…
Artifact: Paragon Home Shoe Button Kit
In my journey of studying and recreating old-fashioned footwear, I get to geek out on old technologies re-discovered. I just love the how and why of things: the effect an innovation in…
Musing on A Natural Form Spring – 1870s Photoshoot at The Lake Mansion
Sometimes I get so busy I forget to share things, like this lovely photo shoot we did last Spring with a wonderful girl, Siera, at a wonderful local historic home known as…
2015 Costuming Year in Review
I’m pretty late on getting my 2015 costuming year in review up, but here goes: In January I talked a lot about making a Robe a la Turque, but never did. Instead,…
Making Vintage Jeans
My last project of 2015 was a pair of jeans. As most of you know, I mostly loathe modern low-rise pants. I’ve been on a vintage trouser bender for awhile now, but…
An 1880s Wool Ensemble – Beginnings
Last week I shared with you the beautiful “Russian Seasons” coat from, paired with an 1880s wool skirt I threw together for the occasion. The skirt was made from my favorite…