How long has it been since we’ve done a pre-order for NEW historic styles?! We’re happy to finally be introducing some gorgeous new shoes for Fall this year. Shop Gleeful for $20…
Abby’s Jane Austen Fest Dinner Dress – a Lesson in Plan B…or…C?
Hey Lovelies — So the last time I blogged about my Jane Austen Fest Dinner Dress I was totally jiving on this idea of making a tunic and turbany/chiffonettey thing to wear…
The Robe a la Turque – Progress!
Hi, it’s Lauren… I promise, I HAVE been sewing. Promise! It’s just been sllooowwwwwww. It’s time to light a fire under my split bum, though – Costume College is in a few…
Who’s That Girl? Meet Tina Vines
Who is that gorgeous new face on, our Facebook, and Instagram? Meet Tina Vines, vintage fashion enthusiast and entrepreneur. Tina modeled a beautiful original vintage western outfit for our mid-Summer photo…
It’s a Revolutionary SALE!
Ladies, it’s that magical time of year when we put a bunch of stuff on sale. This year we’ve got quite a bit to go: Pemberley Regency Shoes Gettysburg Victorian Side-Lace Booties…
Podcast Episode 9: Early 17th Century Women’s Dress with Samantha McCarty
Hello Lovelies! Abby here! On this week’s episode of Fashion History with American Duchess, I got to sit down with Samantha McCarty (Couture Courtesan) and chat with her about her other topic…
A Trip to England and Wales
Lauren here…. ….here in Reno, and not in the UK where I have been and would like to still be. 😉 For the first time in years (and for the first time…
Podcast Episode 8: It’s not just One Direction: The Many Hairy Styles of 18th Century Women
Hi All! Abby here with Episode 8 of Fashion History with American Duchess! This is Part 2 of our 18th Century Hair convo. Last week we talked about hygiene, hair care, and…
A Very Vintage Trip to the UK
Hi! I’m Lauren – remember me? I’ve been away for awhile on a much-needed vacation to the UK. Hooray! Vacay! It was a wonderful, restful and also stimulating trip. We did many…
Podcast Episode 7: Did They Have BUGS in Their Hair?! 18th Century Hair & Hygiene
Hi All – Abby here and I am very pleased to release this weeks episode of Fashion History with American Duchess – “Hair, Hygiene, and the 18th Century Woman” – as it is…
Episode 6 – Enslaved People’s Dress in the 18th & 19th Century with Cheyney McKnight
Hey Everyone! Cheyney McKnight (Photo: LoomHappenings) Today, we are very excited to share our newest episode for Fashion History with American Duchess! In April, Abby got a chance to sit down with…
Podcast Episode 5: Hot Town, Summer is Sh*tty (For Costuming)
Hey All! Our 5th Episode of Fashion History with American Duchess is now live! This week Abby & Lauren sit down and talk about how to beat the summer heat while wearing…
Podcast Episode 4: What Did Napoleon Wear? featuring Mark Schneider
Mark as Napoleon (death stare optional)… (Photo by Luc Morel) Hello All! This week’s episode of Fashion History with American Duchess is all about the big guy himself – Napoleon! While Abby was…
Podcast Episode 3: All About the Louis Exclusive c. 1660-1720
Hi All! For this week’s episode, Abby & Lauren sit down and chat about the newest Exclusive offering from American Duchess – The Louis (Pre-Order open until May 19th! $295) Our Louis…
Abby’s Austen Fest Dinner Dress
Hey All! Abby here! As some of you know, Lauren & I will be attending Jane Austen Festival in Louisville, KY this July (soo excited to go home for business! woo!). As…
Oh Snap – A 1920s Photo Shoot
Back in April we did a photo shoot for the new “Deco Darlings” designs, showcasing two of our lovely 1920s and 30s shoes – Evelyn and Lillian. Because the Deco Darlings work…
Podcast Episode 2: Civil War Mourning with Samantha McCarty
Hello All! We’re excited to announce our “second” episode of Fashion History with American Duchess! Today, we are chatting with the lovely Samantha McCarty of The Couture Courtesan all about mourning dress during…
EXCLUSIVE! “Louis” Velveteen & Embroidered Baroque Shoes
OK, I know, it’s taken us half a year to get the new Exclusives going, but now that we’re here…. Meet “Louis,” the new velveteen, leather, and silver embroidered shoes now available…
Podcast Episode 1: Welcome to Fashion History with American Duchess!
Hello All! Lauren and I are sooo excited to announce a new project we’ve been working on for the past few weeks – Fashion History with American Duchess – a podcast series! While…
Pieces of Me – Remaking an 18th Century Gown
Sacque gown, partially deconstructed, 1765-69 – National Trust NT 1350856 It’s commonly known that 18th century dress textiles were made and remade and remade again. A great many extant gowns in museum…