The finish 1890s linen cycling jacket Like many of us during this lovely pandemic, I’ve been UFO-busting for the past several months. I’ve picked up and finished so many projects – two…
Sewing Patterns for Turn of the 20th Century Historybounders
My version of Simplicity EA258101 with alterations, paired with a split skirt from Historical Emporium I’ve been on a wardrobe-building bender lately (er, when am I ever *not* wardrobe building?) and usually in…
History is Cool: 1890s Belle Epoque Linen Summer Blouse
Hi all! Well, during this crazy time in human history I managed to start and actually finish one (1) project, an 1890s summer shirtwaist made in lovely white linen. I’ve been wanting…
Altering My 1860s Evening Gown
Currently on my sewing table is a “simple” alteration to my one-and-only 1860s evening gown. I made this gown, along with a matching day bodice, back in 2014 and over the years…
#SewingIsHard – A Corded Petticoat
via I realize I never posted this video here for you guys. Abby shares her trials and tribulations in making her 1830s corded petticoat. Enjoy! If you’d like the PDF pattern and…
An 1880s Bodice Plastron – Refit
Me and Abby in our bustle gowns – totally different styles but we actually used the same pattern for the apron. Do you ever pop into your Costume Closet to decide what…
Time Travel: Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe, and Rendezvous in Carson City
So for all my complaining, I love this dress (now). It wore really quite well! The events of the day included a trip up to Zephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe, to scout a…
Hey, Whatever Happened To…[1840s-50s-whatever dress]
It’s one of the many other things I haven’t been showing you. It’s not the Baroque gown, I know, but I had to get this one done for events tomorrow! Don’t hurt…
The Great 1840s Digression
Today I went to the fabric store for one thing and one thing only: muslin, primarily for the purpose of mocking up James’ 18th c. men’s suit (more on this later). What…