Howdy! I’ve been trying to make videos for getting dressed in different decades of the 18th century, since this is quite a visual subject and video is a natural tool for this type of demonstration.
I did a video a few weeks ago showing dressing for the 1780s in my yellow Italian gown (of many incarnations). This time I’m showing how to get dressed in the 1770s with the pink Robe a la Polonaise (AKA “The Creature”). It’s…the same but different, lol.
I hope you enjoy it! The next dressing video will be the 1760s with the bon-bon sacque…soon!
MrsC (Maryanne)
June 3, 2020 at 8:19 AMCute as a Dresden figurine and what a pretty room!
July 6, 2020 at 11:31 PMPerfection !!! Congratulations!!!!🌹🌹🌹🌹