V283: Visiting Monticello

Today we took a little trip up to Monticello, the gorgeous, stunning, incredible home of Thomas Jefferson.

No photos were allowed inside the house, which means you shall all have to go yourselves, if you’ve not been already.  I snapped a couple outside…

The “backyard.”
“What’s the, Mr. J? Come live with you at Monticello? Oh wait…you have 11 grandchildren!? er…I’ll pass”
18th century buttons, noted as being of the more fashionable and expensive variety, worn on men’s coats and waistcoats.  There IS an example of an 18th century 4-hole button, like our modern buttons, noted as being used to fasten shirts, underclothes, and breeches.  I have a photo of that, too, if you’d like to see it.
My quick painting of the back of the house.


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