I’ve done so much hand-sewing today that my wrist hurts and I have to stop! I don’t wanna stop!!

This morning, being clear, bright, and only minorly breezy, I undertook The Spray Painting of The Lace. In a discreet corner of my apartment complex, on a half-green slice of grass, I let ‘er rip, spraying down the 10 yards of lace, both sides, as best I could before running out of paint. I will admit that the coverage isn’t 100% in all places – there is a reddish tinge that comes through here and there, but it really doesn’t bother me. It’ll never be noticed on a galloping (or waltzing) horse.
Before I could start sewing on the trim, I had to finish the satin cover, hand stitching into place each seam. Here’s it is complete, still with the tabs uncut, so there is some buckling in the sides.

Then on to the trim, or at least the start of it. I’ve done the back first, since now I’ve come upon the necessity of an order of operations

Delicate Order of Operations:
– stitch on the back trim
– cut the length of the skirt, and use the excess to make self-bias
– bind the bottom edge of the bodice
– stitch on the front trims
– set the sleeves

I’m happy with my decision to go with the painted lace trim instead of the heavy silver GOBS I tested earlier in this project. I’m planning some tiny pearls and silver spangles all up the front (not on the back though), so there will be even more glitz and ge-gaws. The only thing bothering me is the rumplets at the sharp curve of the bust seams. I’m going to try stuffing those areas (lol) to round them out, and I may do some kind of fichu-like scarfy thing around the neckline, as I’ve seen in a number of portraits. More on all this later!
May 3, 2010 at 8:08 AMYou are coming along SO nicely! I agree with the trim. And you are an excellent test bunny- now I know that organza doesn't work and don't have to try myself. š
May 3, 2010 at 8:52 AMOh, MUCH better! The other trim was rather overwhelming for this project, but this is scrumptious! It takes TONS of paint, doesn't it lol?
May 3, 2010 at 12:23 PMOh yay – it's looking so pretty! And it doesn't look like you lost any detail in the lace – double yay!
May 3, 2010 at 1:51 PMWow, the new trim looks awesome. And now you have silver grass too!
Lauren Stowell
May 3, 2010 at 6:20 PMIsis – maybe a very thin organza would work better? I suppose it depends on both your fashion fabric and the organza you get. My fashion fabric is really lightweight, but a *real* silk satin would be heavier, so the organza might work best for that, I don't know!
Freckles, Thief, and Gloria – yes, TONS of paint! I'm very happy with it, though! You're right, it really didn't lose the detail, but even accentuated it a bit in some places. As for silver grass, well, I hope the office manager ladies don't mind. At least nobody lives over in that block of apartments right now (they're being renovated), so they can't look out their windows to see the shiny grass š
May 4, 2010 at 4:12 PMLove it!!!
May 4, 2017 at 6:29 PMI'm a long time lurker, reader and admirer of your work! I'd like to know what kind of silver paint you used. Fabric paint or regular craft spray paint? I really like the color, and would like to know what shade/type was used to get that lovely color!